

我的 html 是这样的:

My html is this:

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as ctrl" class="bodyContainer">
<div ng-repeat="stuff in ctrl.stuffies">


And this is my BaseApp:


The problem is, even though it logs an item inside self.stuffies (when this line is run: console.log(self.stuffies);), here is not printed in the HTML. There doesn't seem to be anything inside ctrl.stuffies. I tried moving console.log(self.stuffies); outside of BaseService.fetch.stuffs(function() and it logs undefined. How do I get ctrl.stuffies to be BaseService.stuffies?

问题是,即使它在 self.stuffies 中记录了一个项目(当这一行运行时:console.log(self.stuffies);),here 未打印在 HTML 中.ctrl.stuffies 里面似乎没有任何东西.我尝试将 console.log(self.stuffies); 移到 BaseService.fetch.stuffs(function() 之外,它记录了 undefined.如何我如何让 ctrl.stuffies 成为 BaseService.stuffies?



$http 服务无需使用回调,因为它返回 promise:

//.factory("BaseService", ["$http", "$window", function($http, $window) {app.service("BaseService", ["$http", "$window", function($http, $window) { //var self = this; /* All functions which call fetch should have a callback function * on the front-end which sets * 1) a variable (i.e. stuffies etc.) * 2) and BaseService.cerrorMessages. */ this.fetch = { stuff: function() { //vvvv RETURN the promise return $http.get("/stuffs/") .then(function(response) { //vvvv RETURN the data return response.data; //self.stuffies = response.data; //callback(); });//, function(response) { // self.accessErrors(response.data); // callback(); //}); } };});

There is no need to do anything with $http errors in the service. Errors will be carried forward automatically in the promise.

不需要对服务中的 $http 错误做任何事情.错误会在承诺中自动结转.

Then in the controller extract the data (or the error) from the promise:


/* REPLACEBaseService.fetch.stuffs(function() { self.stuffies = BaseService.stuffies; console.log(self.stuffies); self.cerrorMessages = BaseService.cerrorMessages;});*/BaseService.fetch.stuffs .then(function(data) { self.stuffies = data; console.log(self.stuffies);}).catch(function(errorResponse) { self.cerrorMessages = errorResponse.data;});

For more information, see 


我将您的服务更改为工厂 并以这种方式使用它:

  .then(function(data) {
    self.stuffs = data;
}).catch(function(errorResponse) {
    self.cerrorMessages = errorResponse.data;


Is this fine (using factory because there are other functions inside the factory as well and I don't want to have to change them all to services)?


self.fetch = {
    stuffs: function() {
        return $http.get("/stuffs/")
          .then(function(response) {
              return response.data;

服务或工厂都可以.对于服务,可以通过向自动返回的 this 上下文添加属性来添加函数(除非被 return 语句覆盖).对于工厂,return 语句是强制性的.函数被添加到返回的对象中.选择是风格问题.它们的用法相同.

Either a service or a factory will work. With a service, functions can be added by adding properties to the this context which is automatically returned (unless overridden with a return statement). With a factory, a return statement is manditory. Functions are added to the object returned. The choice is a question of style. They are both used the same way.


07-23 11:35