

在尝试学习,我一直看到以下代码覆盖 GetControllerInstance 在MVC:

While trying to learn Unity, I keep seeing the following code for overriding GetControllerInstance in MVC:

if(!typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType)) { ... }


this seems to me a pretty convoluted way of basically writing

if(controllerType is IController) { ... }

code>是和 IsAssignableFrom ,即 IsAssignableFrom ,但我很难理解这种差异对实际情况的影响。

I appreciate there are subtle differences between is and IsAssignableFrom, ie IsAssignableFrom doesn't include cast conversions, but I'm struggling to understand the implication of this difference in practical scenarios.

何时是重要的选择 IsAssignableFrom ?在 GetControllerExample

When is it imporantant to choose IsAssignableFrom over is? What difference would it make in the GetControllerExample?

if (!typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType))
      throw new ArgumentException(...);
return _container.Resolve(controllerType) as IController;



if(controllerType is IController)

总是评估 false ,因为 controllerType 总是 Type ,并且类型从不是 IController

would always evaluate to false since controllerType is always a Type, and a Type is never an IController.


The is operator is used to check whether an instance is compatible to a given type.


The IsAssignableFrom method is used to check whether a Type is compatible with a given type.


07-02 04:30