我正在使用MyBatis映射一些查询,我需要比较 String
参数( myString
I'm using MyBatis to map some queries where I need to compare a String
argument (myString
我的Mapper 界面是:
My Mapper interface is:
公共地图< ;整数,字符串> findSomething(@Param(myString)String myString);
我的 XML 如下:
<select id="findSomething" parameterType="String" resultType="Map">
SELECT column1 as key,
column2 as value
FROM my_table
<when test="myString == 'xxx'">
column3 = 1
<when test="myString == 'yyy'">
myColumn = 2
<when test="myString == 'zzz'">
myColumn = 3
ORDER BY value;
When I execute this statement the following error is throwed:
ERROR [stderr] Caused by: org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException:
ERROR [stderr] ### Error querying database. Cause: org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException: There is no getter for property named 'myString' in 'class java.lang.String'
A 字符串
A String
comparison made this way, smells bad. Unfortunately it was the way database was modeled.
MyBatis版本: 3.2.2
MyBatis version: 3.2.2
Definitely I had to go through a complicated approach.
Changed mapper method signature:
public Map<Integer, String> findSomething(@Param("myPojo") MyPojo myPojo);
XML 必须是:
<select id="findSomething" resultType="Map">
SELECT column1 as key,
column2 as value
FROM my_table
<when test="myPojo == 'xxx'">
column3 = 1
<when test="myPojo == 'yyy'">
myColumn = 2
<when test="myPojo == 'zzz'">
myColumn = 3
ORDER BY value;
Just don't forget, being a POJO, the parameter class must have it's respective getters and setters.