在Android Studio中,编译签名APK后生成的ProGuard映射文件在哪里?
In Android Studio, where are the ProGuard mapping files generated after compiling a signed APK?
我不确定它是否不起作用,或者我是否只是忘记了文件路径,而且我的强制 Google/Stack Overflow 搜索没有回答这个问题
I'm not sure if it isn't working or if I just forgot the file path, and my compulsory Google/Stack Overflow search did not answer this
它应该位于应用程序模块目录中的 build/outputs/proguard/release/mapping.txt
It should be located at build/outputs/proguard/release/mapping.txt
in your application module's directory.
在最新版本的 ProGuard 和 Android Studio 中,该文件位于 build/outputs/mapping/release/mapping.txt
In the latest version of ProGuard and Android Studio, the file is located at build/outputs/mapping/release/mapping.txt
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