How to implement inheritance with active records?
For example, I want a class Animal, class Dog, and class Cat.
How would the model and the database table mapping be?
Rails supports Single Table Inheritance.
从 AR文档:
活动记录允许继承由 存储在类的名 在默认情况下被命名为类型列 (可以通过覆盖来改变 Base.inheritance_column)。意即 是一个继承看起来像这样:
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end
class Firm < Company; end
class Client < Company; end
class PriorityClient < Client; end
当你做Firm.create(:名称=> 37signals公司),这个纪录将是 保存在公司表型 =事务所。第一,名称:然后,您可以再次使用Company.find(读取该行 ='37signals的),它会返回一个企业对象。
When you do Firm.create(:name => "37signals"), this record will be saved in the companies table with type = "Firm". You can then fetch this row again using Company.find(:first, "name = ‘37signals’") and it will return a Firm object.
如果你没有一个类型列 在表中定义,单表 继承不会被触发。在 这种情况下,它会工作就像正常的 子类没有特别的魔法 他们或区分 重新加载正确的类型与发现。
If you don‘t have a type column defined in your table, single-table inheritance won‘t be triggered. In that case, it‘ll work just like normal subclasses with no special magic for differentiating between them or reloading the right type with find.
A pretty good tutorial is here: http://juixe.com/techknow/index.php/2006/06/03/rails-single-table-inheritance/
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