本文介绍了静态变量继承C ++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want static variables in derived classes, so I want to make some stuff in a base class. Base class would be virtual. Is it possible?

class Base {
    static const int x;
    void f() {
        return x;
    virtual void g() = 0;

class Derived1 : virtual Base {
    void g() {}
const int Derived1::x = 1;

class Derived2 : virtual Base {
    void g() {}
const int Derived2::x = 2;


Derived1 a;
Derived2 b;
a.f() == 1; // should be true
b.f() == 2; // should be true


A,不,C ++没有虚拟静态函数.您可以做的是使用非静态的getter方法:

Alas, no, C++ has no virtual statics. What you can do instead is use a non-static getter method:

 class A {
      virtual const int& Foo() const = 0;

 class B : A {
      static int foo_;
      const int& Foo() const override { return foo_; }
 int B::foo_ { 1 };

您可以使用定义的混合类来自动化"此操作使用 CRTP :

You can "automate" this with a mix-in class defined using CRTP:

 class A {
      virtual const int& Foo() const = 0;

 template <typename T>
 class FooHolder {
      static int foo_;
      const int& Foo() const override { return foo_; }

 class B : A, virtual FooHolder<B> {
      // other stuff


This way, the only thing you need to do in a subclass is also indicate the mix-in inheritance. There might be some virtual inheritance caveats I'm missing here (as I rarely use it).


Another option, described here, is to make class A templated itself, so that each B inherits from a different A. But that will break your inheritance structure.

这篇关于静态变量继承C ++的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 18:32