

在 C 中,我明白如果我们关闭一个套接字,这意味着该套接字将被销毁并且可以在以后重新使用.

In C, I understood that if we close a socket, it means the socket will be destroyed and can be re-used later.

关机怎么样?描述说它关闭了与该套接字的双工连接的一半.但是这个套接字会像 close 系统调用一样被销毁吗?

How about shutdown? The description said it closes half of a duplex connection to that socket. But will that socket be destroyed like close system call?


这是在 Beej 的网络指南中解释.shutdown 是一种灵活的方式来阻止一个或两个方向的通信.当第二个参数为 SHUT_RDWR 时,它将阻塞发送和接收(如 close).但是,close 是实际销毁套接字的方法.

This is explained in Beej's networking guide. shutdown is a flexible way to block communication in one or both directions. When the second parameter is SHUT_RDWR, it will block both sending and receiving (like close). However, close is the way to actually destroy a socket.

使用 shutdown,您仍然可以接收对等方已经发送的待处理数据(感谢 Joey Adams 注意到这一点).

With shutdown, you will still be able to receive pending data the peer already sent (thanks to Joey Adams for noting this).


05-27 03:23