

在Xcode 4.2中引入新的自动引用计数(ARC)后,我们不再需要在Objective-C中手动管理保留/释放。

这看起来很相似垃圾收集,Mac上的Objective-C以及其他语言中的操作。 ARC与垃圾收集有什么区别?



关于这个主题的一个很好的阅读来自,其中Chris Lattner有这样的说法:


With the new automatic reference counting (ARC) introduced in Xcode 4.2, we no longer need to manually manage retain / release in Objective-C.

This seems similar to garbage collection, as done in Objective-C on the Mac, and in other languages. How does ARC differ from garbage collection?


As I describe in my answer here, ARC can provide the best of both manual memory management and tracing garbage collection. It mostly removes the need for a developer to track manual retains, releases, and autoreleases on Objective-C objects, yet avoids the need for a garbage collector process which can use up limited resources on a mobile device and cause occasional stutters in a running application.

ARC inserts the appropriate retains and releases required for reference counting at compile time, by applying the rules that all Objective-C developers have had to use over the years. This frees the developer from having to manage this themselves. Because the retains and release are inserted at compile time, no collector process is needed to continually sweep memory and remove unreferenced objects.

One slight advantage that tracing garbage collection has over ARC is that ARC will not deal with retain cycles for you, where tracing garbage collection can pick these up.

A great read on the subject comes from this thread on Apple's Objective-C mailing list, where Chris Lattner has this to say:

I am currently migrating both my manually memory managed projects, as well as those using Objective-C garbage collection, to ARC. After using garbage collection in a couple of Mac applications for a while now, I see some significant advantages in moving these projects to ARC.


08-03 17:33