

我目前工作的一个地铁站比赛为Windows 8中使用C#和SharpDX。该项目进展顺利,但最近出现的是一个需要开始跟踪内存泄漏,我真的不知道从哪里开始。

I'm currently working on a metro game for Windows 8 using C# and SharpDX. The project is going well, but recently there's been a need to start tracking down memory leaks and I'm not really sure where to begin.

在内存分析器内置的的Visual Studio 11地铁不工作应用程式的是,WinDBG的似乎无法连接到城域网的应用程序(除非我用它不正确地),和我有一个很难找到的望着在管理分配的任何信息。地铁NET 4.5。

The built in memory profiler in Visual Studio 11 doesn't work for metro apps yet, WinDBG can't seem to connect to metro apps (unless I'm using it incorrectly), and I'm having a hard time finding any information about looking at managed allocations in .NET 4.5 for metro.


Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a good place to start looking? Has anyone had success with tools to help detect memory leaks in metro apps?



Looks like I could actually use WinDbg, it just wasn't working with invasive mode. My fault.


07-23 12:26