


Why is it allowed to change a const variable using a pointer to it with memcpy?


const int i=5;
int j = 0;
memcpy(&j, &i, sizeof(int));
printf("Source: i = %d, dest: j = %d\n", i,j);

j = 100;
memcpy(&i, &j, sizeof(int));
printf("Source: j = %d, dest: i = %d\n", j,i);
return 0;



But did run just fine, and changed the value of a const variable.




This is allowed because once you have a pointer to a memory address, the language does not know what it points to. It could be a variable, part of a struct, the heap or the stack, or anything. So it cannot prevent you from writing to it. Direct memory access is always unsafe and to be avoided if there's another way of doing it.


The const stops you modifying the value of a const with an assignment (or increment etc). This kind of mutation is the only operations it can guarantee you won't be able to perform on a const.


Another way to look at this is the division of the static context (i.e. at compile time) and the runtime context. When you compile a piece of code which may, for example, make an assignment to a variable, the language can say "that's not allowed, it's const" and that is a compilation error. After this, the code is compiled into an executable and the fact that it is a const is lost. Variable declarations (and the rest of the language) is written as input to the compiler. Once it is compiled, the code isn't relevant. You can do a logical proof in your compiler to say that consts aren't changed. The compiled program runs, and we know at compile time that we have created a program that doesn't break the rules.


When you introduce pointers, you have behaviour that can be defined at run-time. The code that you wrote is now irrelevant, and you can [attempt to] do what you want. The fact that pointers are typed (allowing pointer arithmetic, interpreting the memory at the end of a pointer as a particular type) means that the language gives you some help, but it can't prevent you from doing anything. It can make no guarantees, as you can point a pointer anywhere. The compiler can't stop you breaking the rules at run-time with code that uses pointers.


That said, pointers are the way we get dynamic behaviour and data structures, and are necessary for all but the most trivial code.


(The above is subject to lots of caveats, i.e. code heuristics, more sophisticated static analysis bus is broadly true of a vanilla compiler.)


07-23 07:40