

我试图在内存中找到两个变量之间的距离.具体来说,我需要找到 char[] 数组和 int 之间的距离.

I'm trying to find the distance in memory between two variables. Specifically I need to find the distance between a char[] array and an int.

    char data[5];
    int a = 0;

    printf("%p\n%p\n", &data[5], &a);

    long int distance = &a - &data[5];

    printf("%ld\n", distance);


When I run my my program without the last two lines I get the proper memory address of the two variables, something like this:


现在我明白了,如果我没记错的话,两者之间有 5 个字节的距离(0x7fff5661aac8、0x7fff5661aac9、0x7fff5661aaca、0x7fff5661aacb、0x7fff5661aacc).

Now I understand, if I'm not wrong, that there are 5 bytes of distance between the two (0x7fff5661aac8, 0x7fff5661aac9, 0x7fff5661aaca, 0x7fff5661aacb, 0x7fff5661aacc).

为什么我不能减去一个 (int *) 类型的指针和一个 (char *) 类型的指针.两者都是指内存地址.我应该怎么做才能计算两者之间的距离(以字节为单位)?我尝试投射两个指针之一,但它不起作用.

Why I can't subtract a pointer of type (int *) and one of type (char *). Both refer to memory address.. What should I do in order to calculate the distance, in bytes, between the two?? I tried casting one of the two pointers but it's not working.

我得到:错误:'char *' 和 'int *' 不是指向兼容类型的指针".感谢大家会帮助我

I get: "error: 'char *' and 'int *' are not pointers to compatible types". Thanks to everyone will help me



首先,您只能减去(指向)兼容"类型的指针,intchar 在这里不是兼容类型.因此减法是不可能的.

First, you can only subtract pointers of (to) "compatible" types, an int and a char are not compatible types here. Hence the subtraction is not possible.


That said, even if both are pointers to compatible type, then also, the following comes into picture.


So, secondly You cannot just subtract two arbitrary pointers, they need to be essentially part of (address for elements of) the same array. Othweise, it invokes undefined behavior.

引用 C11,章节 §6.5.6,加法运算符

Quoting C11, chapter §6.5.6, Additive operators



Thirdly, another important point, the result of subtraction of two pointers is of type ptrdiff_t, a signed integer type.

[...] 结果的大小是实现定义的,它的类型(有符号整数类型)是在 标头中定义的 ptrdiff_t.[...]

因此,要打印结果,您需要使用 %td 格式说明符.

so, to print the result, you need to use %td format specifier.


07-23 06:52