我最近开始在我的一个项目中集成 android-gradle-plugin
1.1.0.该项目使用 robolectric 2.4
I recently started integrating android-gradle-plugin
1.1.0 in one of my projects. The project uses robolectric 2.4
to run unit tests.
It's a multi module project with very complex dependencies (Some modules depend on other modules). Something like that:
--> application-module (dependsOn: module1, module2, module-core)
--> module1 (dependsOn: module-core)
--> module2 (dependsOn: module-core)
--> module-core (dependsOn: module3, module4)
--> module3 (library dependencies)
--> module4 (library dependencies)
如需更清晰的图片,请参阅 jacoco-example 项目.
For a more cleared picture please see jacoco-example project.
我试图集成 JaCoCo 来为单元测试生成报告,但在我看来它只运行 androidTests
I tried to integrate JaCoCo to generate reports for the unit tests, but it seems to me that it runs only androidTests
which are basically instrumentation tests.
经过一些谷歌搜索后,我在 GitHub 和其他文章上遇到了一些项目,但它们主要集中在以前版本的 android-gradle-plugin
After some google'ing I've come across a few projects on GitHub and other articles, but they mainly are focused on previous versions of the android-gradle-plugin
or are using other third party plugins like android-unit-test
for example here.
可能是我失去了使用谷歌搜索的能力.但是有人可以指出我可以找到一些关于 android gradle 插件中的新内容以及如何仅针对单元测试运行 jacoco 任务的文档的方向吗?
May be I've lost my ability to google. But can somebody point me in a direction where I can find some documentations regarding the new stuff in android gradle plugin and how to run the jacoco task only for unit tests?
采用 nenick 的例子的脚本:
apply plugin: "jacoco"
configurations {
task jacocoReport(dependsOn: 'testDebug') << {
ant {
classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask',
classpath: configurations.jacocoReport.asPath)
mkdir dir: "${buildDir}/test-coverage-report"
mkdir dir: "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/test/"
jacocoreport {
executiondata = files("${buildDir}/jacoco/testDebug.exec")
structure(name: "${rootProject.name}") {
classfiles {
fileset (dir: "${buildDir}/intermediates/classes/debug") {
//exclude(name: '**/*_*.class')
exclude(name: '**/R.class')
exclude(name: '**/R$*.class')
exclude(name: '**/BuildConfig.class')
sourcefiles {
fileset dir: "src/main/java"
fileset dir: "${buildDir}/generated/source/buildConfig/debug"
fileset dir: "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/debug"
xml destfile: "${buildDir}/reports/jacoco/test/jacocoTestReport.xml"
html destdir: "${buildDir}/test-coverage-report/"
dependencies {
jacocoReport 'org.jacoco:org.jacoco.ant:'
之后,./gradlew jacocoReport
执行并生成报告,但它显示 0(零)测试覆盖率,这是不可能的,因为至少有一半的类都经过测试.
After that the ./gradlew jacocoReport
executes and generates the report, but it shows 0 (zero) test coverage, which is impossible because at least half of all classes are tested.
试用了这个示例.将下一个任务添加到我的一个 gradle 构建文件中:
Tried out this example. Adding the next task to one of my gradle build files:
task jacocoTestReport(type:JacocoReport, dependsOn: "testDebug") {
group = "Reporting"
description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports"
classDirectories = fileTree(
dir: "${buildDir}/intermediates/classes/debug",
excludes: ['**/R.class',
sourceDirectories = files("${buildDir.parent}/src/main/java")
additionalSourceDirs = files([
executionData = files("${buildDir}/jacoco/testDebug.exec")
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
Same issue, the reports are generated, but the code coverage is still zero.
UPDATE_2 中的任务似乎有效,但仅适用于带有 apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
的模块(报告正确生成).但是对于 android 库模块(apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
It seams that the task from UPDATE_2 worked but only for the module with apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
(The reports a generated correctly). But for modules that are android libraries (apply plugin: 'com.android.library'
) the reports show zero coverage, although the modules contain more tests then the application module.
创建了一个简单的示例项目来演示我的问题.目前,如果您运行 ./gradlew jacocoReport
会生成报告,但不会显示模块项目的测试覆盖率.请参阅此 链接
Created a simple example project that demonstrates my issue. Currently if you run ./gradlew jacocoReport
the report is generated, but no test coverage is displayed for the module projects. See this link
简短说明:当测试是 AndroidUnitTests(白化 JUnit 4 和 Robolectric)时,JaCoCo 报告显示了所有模块的覆盖范围.
Short note: When the tests were AndroidUnitTests (whiteout JUnit 4 and Robolectric) JaCoCo reports showed coverage for all the modules.
经过一番折腾,我决定创建一个 开源 Gradle 插件 .
After the hassle, I decided to create an open source Gradle plugin for that.
根 build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
mavenCentral() // optional if you have this one already
dependencies {
classpath 'com.vanniktech:gradle-android-junit-jacoco-plugin:0.16.0'
apply plugin: 'com.vanniktech.android.junit.jacoco'
./gradlew jacocoTestReportDebug
它将在调试模式下运行 JUnit 测试,然后在相应的构建目录中以 XML 和 HTML 形式为您提供 Jacoco 输出.
It'll run the JUnit tests in Debug Mode and then give you the Jacoco output in XML and HTML form in the corresponding build directory.
它还支持风味.将创建红色和蓝色 2 种口味的任务
It also supports flavors. Having 2 flavors red and blue those tasks would be created
- jacocoTestReportRedDebug
- jacocoTestReportBlueDebug
- jacocoTestReportRedRelease
- jacocoTestReportBlueRelease
这篇关于Jacoco 和单元测试代码覆盖率与 android-gradle-plugin >= 1.1的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!