


in compiler constructions one of the main ambiguity problems is Dangling-Elseas mentioned in compiler principles and techniques book by Aho that the grammar for the Dangling-Else can't be used with ll(1) parser.


and my question is it true that it cant handled to be ll(1)



Its true, it can't be parsed by LL(k) or by LALR(k) in their pure forms. The problem is that there are two possible interpretations of the dangling else; its an ambiguity problem ("else" belongs to nearest "if", or does not belong).


It is usually cured by insisting on just one of the two interpretations, e.g., "else belongs to nearest if".

许多解析器生成器可能会偶然得到这个结果。有LL的解决方案是接受第一个解析工作,并尝试其他附加到最接近第一。 LR的解决方案是shift on else,这是很容易的原因,只需在reduce动作之前检查shift动作。

Many parser generators can get this "right by accident"; the solution with LL is to accept the first parse that works and try "else attaches to closest" first. The solution with LR is "shift on else" which is easy cause, by simply checking for "shift" actions before "reduce" actions.

问题与解析器,将真正挑起不明确的解析,如GLR。这里可以提供语法上的提示,例如shift on else。

It only gets to be a problem with a parser that will really pick up ambiguous parses, such as GLR. Here one can provide extra-grammatical hints, e.g, "shift on else".


10-28 10:07