这是一个nubie问题,我有一个运行良好的silverlight 5(VB)应用程序,当我从我的PC运行它时显示所有3个png图像。当应用程序被放到网上时,它不会显示png图像。我为png文件选择的构建是资源吗?我检查了XAP.zip以查看png文件是否存在,并且它们是。
Hi, This is a nubie question, I have a silverlight 5 (VB) application that runs fine and displays all 3 png images when I run it from my PC. When the app is put onto the web it doesn''t show the png Images. The build I have selected for the png files is Resource? I checked the XAP.zip to see if the png files are there and they are.
I''ve done a bit of research and found that I may need some coding to enable me to get these up and running on the web unfortunately everything I''ve looked at is in C. I have found these two pieces of code :
myIamge.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("../Image/computer.JPG", UriKind.Relative));
<Image x:Name="myIamge" Source="../computer.JPG"></Image>
Are these two pieces of code what I need?
Do I need them both together?
Does anyone know the conversion Of the first piece of code from c to vb
Is there anyone out there that can tell me how to do this in silverlight VB
Kind regards
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