I want to make requests to a web service from within nginx on each request that goes through nginx and apply some process based on the response I get from the web service.
I am using nginx as a reverse proxy and have multiple webservices to which traffic is routed to. I want to add an additional webservice (Lets call this AdminService) that would act as admin, this service would handle things like security, billing and other traffic analytics and preprocessing.For every request the goes through nginx I need to make a request to AdminService, admin service will then analyse the request updating some statistics and the likes and respond with some tags. nginx will then update some headers based on the returned tags and forward the request to the appropriate url.
I've taken a look at the Lua module and it doesn't seem to do webservice call.I also see that there are Java, Groovy and Clojure modules available, is this perhaps what I should be looking at? Otherwise what should I be looking at?
一种选择是使用 auth_request 模块.它不是根据您的情况设计的,也不是默认的Nginx模块,因此您需要从源代码进行构建以使用./configure --with-http_auth_request_module进行编译.
One option is to use the auth_request module. It's not designed with your scenario in mind and is not a default Nginx module so you need to build from source to compile it in with ./configure --with-http_auth_request_module.
auth_request用于通过远程HTTP调用对Nginx请求进行预身份验证.只要响应头是HTTP 200,初始请求就照常处理.这可以用于将请求发送到您的AdminService,然后响应可以确定接下来发生的情况.
auth_request is used to pre-authenticate Nginx requests via an remote HTTP call. As long as the response header is HTTP 200, then the initial request is processed as normal. This could be used to send the request to your AdminService and the response would be able to determine what happened next.
# Default location
location / {
auth_request /AdminService;
# Look for X_UpstreamHost: header in the response
auth_request_set $x_upstreamhost $upstream_http_x_upstreamhost;
# Use the value of the response header to choose the internal processing host
proxy_pass http://$x_upstreamhost;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
# Send requests for AdminService to the AdminService
# This expects AdminService to be listening on a path called AdminService
# and based at ##adminip##
location /AdminService {
proxy_pass http://##adminip##;
This will send incoming requests first to the host defined by AdminService. This service must response with a normal 200 header and also x_upstreamhost: #internalHost#. Where #internalHost# is the ip or dn of the host you want to handle the request.
Try it out and if you run into issues, post your server {} block and somebody will take a look.