本文介绍了在 Objective-C 标头中对齐冒号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想使用 uncrustify 在冒号上对齐我的参数,并且取得了一些有限的成功.

I want to use uncrustify to align my parameters on colon, and have some limited success.

使用 Can Uncrustify 在 Objective- 中对齐冒号中的信息-C 方法调用? 我的配置文件中有以下内容:

Using the information in Can Uncrustify align colons in Objective-C method calls? I have the following in my config file:

align_oc_decl_colon = true
align_oc_msg_colon_span = 20

我的 .m 文件看起来很棒,像这样:

My .m-files look great, like this:

- (id)initWithStreetName:(NSString *)streetName
                areaCode:(NSString *)areaCode
                    city:(NSString *)city
                 country:(NSString *)country
        positionLatitude:(NSString *)positionLatitude
       positionLongitude:(NSString *)positionLongitude
      serverAssignmentId:(NSString *)serverAssignmentId
                 comment:(NSString *)comment
               timestamp:(NSDate *)timestamp


but the very same method looks like this in the header:

- (id)initWithStreetName:(NSString *)streetName
             areaCode             :(NSString *)areaCode
                 city                 :(NSString *)city
              country              :(NSString *)country
     positionLatitude     :(NSString *)positionLatitude
    positionLongitude    :(NSString *)positionLongitude
   serverAssignmentId   :(NSString *)serverAssignmentId
              comment              :(NSString *)comment
            timestamp            :(NSDate *)timestamp
               status               :(AssignmentStatus)status;


Any ideas on how I can get the header code to look like the implementation code?


这是 uncrustify 最新版本的一个已知错误.在此回答时,最新的一次是 9 个月前.然而,针对这个错误的补丁已经提交,希望它会出现在下一个版本中.

That is a known bug on the latest release of uncrustify. At the time of this answer the latest one was 9 months ago. However a patch for this error was already committed and hopefully it will appear in the next release.


作为临时修复,您可以自己编译当前的母版.使用 XCode 编译将只生成一个二进制文件,您可以在下一个正式版本之前使用它.

As a temporal fix you can compile yourself the current master. Compiling with XCode will generate just one single binary that you can use until the next official release.

bug 在 0.59,应该在 0.60 解决

The bug is on 0.59, should be solved on 0.60

这篇关于在 Objective-C 标头中对齐冒号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 18:08