本文介绍了Spock Mock无法用于单元测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我从Spock单元测试中得到了奇怪的结果,我认为这是由于Groovy的 TupleConstructor 批注.但是,由于另一个用户的帮助,我看到Spock创建模拟的方式存在问题.尽管我已通过用实际实例替换注入的模拟来解决了该问题,但实际上我需要使模拟在这里工作.

I am getting weird results from a Spock unit test that I thought was being caused by a misuse of Groovy's TupleConstructor annotation. However, thanks to the help of another user, I see it is a problem with the way Spock is creating mocks. Although I have fixed the issue by replacing the injected mocks with real instances, I need to in fact get mocks working here.


@TupleConstructor(callSuper = true)
abstract class Vehicle {
    Long id

@TupleConstructor(callSuper = true, includeSuperProperties = true)
abstract class Foobaz extends Vehicle {
    String name
    String label
    String description

@TupleConstructor(callSuper = true, includeSuperProperties = true)
class Fizz extends Foobaz {
    // This is an empty class that creates a meaningful name over the
    // abstract Foobaz parent class. This may seem like bad design in
    // this analogy, but I assure you it makes sense (from a Domain-Driven
    // Design perspective) in my actual application.

@TupleConstructor(callSuper = true, includeSuperProperties = true)
class Car extends Vehicle {
    Fizz fizz1
    Fizz fizz2

    String toString() {
        "${fizz1.name} - ${fizz2.name}"


class CarSpec extends Specification {
    def "toString() generates a correct string"() {
        given: "a Car with some mocked dependencies"
        String f1 = 'fizzy'
        String f2 = 'buzzy'
        Fizz fizz1 = Mock(Fizz)
        Fizz fizz2 = Mock(Fizz)

        fizz1.name >> f1
        fizz2.name >> f2

        Car car = new Car(1L, fizz1, fizz2)

        when: "we call toString()"
        String str = car.toString()

        then: "we get a correctly formatted string"
        "${f1} - ${f2}" == str


But when I run this I get the following failure/error:

Condition not satisfied:

"${f1} - ${f2}" == str
  |        |     |  |
  fizzy    buzzy |  null - null
                 <omitting details here for brevity>

Expected :null - null

Actual   :fizzy - buzzy


Any ideas where I'm going awry?



From our discussion on a different one of @smeeb's questions, I looked into this a bit more since I was very confused why this wasn't working.


class SomeTest extends Specification {

    static class Driver {

        String getName(Superclass superclass) {
            return superclass.name

    static abstract class Superclass {
        String name

    static class Subclass extends Superclass {

    def 'test'() {
        def driver = new Driver()
        def subclass = Mock(Subclass)

        subclass.name >> 'test'

        driver.getName(subclass) == 'test'


It failed with the same problem that @smeeb saw.

driver.getName(subclass) == 'test'
|      |       |         |
|      null    |         false
|              Mock for type 'Subclass' named 'subclass'

我尝试更改一些不同的内容,发现当我从 Superclass 中删除 abstract 修饰符或更改了 return superclass.name 时,我发现返回superclass.getName()测试开始起作用.

I tried changing a few different things and found that when I either removed the abstract modifier from Superclass or changed the return superclass.name to return superclass.getName() the test began working.


It seems there is a weird interaction on the Groovy-level between getting inherited public fields from an abstract superclass using the auto-generated accessors.

因此,在您的情况下,请从 FooBaz 中删除 abstract 修饰符,或将代码更改为:

So, in your case either remove abstract modifier from FooBaz, or change your code to:

String toString() {
    "${fizz1.getName()} - ${fizz2.getName()}"

这篇关于Spock Mock无法用于单元测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-23 19:09