




       公共异步Task< int> ImportAsync(StreamReader reader,int projectId,IProgress< ParseProgress>进度)

            var nodes = ParseData(progress);

           如果(_errorMessages.Count> 0)
               字符串fullErrorMessage = _errorMessages.Aggregate((x,y)=> x +"\ n" + y);

此方法解析CSV文件中的数据.对ParseData(...)的调用实际上是在进行解析.每当它在解析过程中遇到问题时,就会将一条消息记录到_errorMessages中,即List< string>.错误消息.当它从ParseData(...)返回时, 它检查列表中的Count> 0.如果存在错误消息,它将引发ParseException,并将完整的错误消息列表(由'\ n'连接)作为异常消息.


                SUT.ImportAsync(TestData,1,new Progress< ParseProgress>()).Wait();

它传入TestData,其中包含一个moc CSV文件,其中一行包含我要测试的错误(即,当它击到该行时应抛出ParseException).





I'm trying to write unit tests to test throwing of parse exceptions. How can I do this with the unit test failing BECAUSE of the throwing of parse exceptions.

First of all, here is the code that throws the parse exception:

        public async Task<int> ImportAsync(StreamReader reader, int projectId, IProgress<ParseProgress> progress)

            var nodes = ParseData(progress);

            if (_errorMessages.Count > 0)
                string fullErrorMessage = _errorMessages.Aggregate((x, y) => x + "\n" + y);
                throw new ParsingException(string.Empty, fullErrorMessage);

This method parses data from a CSV file. The call to ParseData(...) is what actually does the parsing. Whenever it encounters a problem during the parsing, it logs a message to _errorMessages, a List<string> of error messages. When it returns from ParseData(...), it checks the list for Count > 0. If error messages exist, it throws a ParseException with the full list of error messages concatenated by '\n' as the exception message.

My unit tests begin their setup with the following method:

            protected override void When()
               SUT.ImportAsync(TestData, 1, new Progress<ParseProgress>()).Wait();

It passes in TestData which contains a moc CSV file, one row of which contains the error I'd like to test for (i.e. it should throw a ParseException when it hits this row).

But the fact that it throws a ParseException at this point results in any unit tests depending on this setup failing.

How can I setup unit tests such that rather than failing when exceptions are thrown, it actually detects when exceptions are thrown and recognizes this as a pass.



08-26 08:02