


I have two logical categories of tests: plain functional unit tests (pass/fail) and benchmark performance tests that are just for metrics/diagnostics.

目前,我在一个类中有所有测试方法,称之为 MyTests

Currently, I have all test methods in a single class, call it MyTests:

public class MyTests 
    public void testUnit1()


    public void testUnit2()


    public void bmrkPerfTest1()

    public void bmrkPerfTest2()

然后我有一个 UnitTestSuite 定义为

@SuiteClasses({ MyTests.class })
public class UnitTestSuite {} 

和a PerformanceTestSuite

@SuiteClasses({ MyTests.class })
public class PerformanceTestSuite {} 

,以便我可以在性能测试中与 Ant 分开运行单元测试(我不认为包含Ant代码是必需的) )

so that I can run the unit tests in Ant separately from performance tests (I don't think including Ant code is necessary).


This means I have a total of FOUR classes (MyTests, PerformanceTest, PerformanceTestSuite, and UnitTestSuite). I realize I could have just put all the unit tests in one class and benchmark tests in another class and be done with it, without the additional complexity with categories and extra annotations. I call tests by class name in Ant, i.e. don't run all tests in a package.


Does it make sense and what are the reasons to keep it organized by category with the annotation or would it be better if I just refactored it in two simple test classes?



To the question of whether to split the tests in two classes:


As they are clearly very different kinds of tests (unit tests and performance tests), I would put them in different classes in any case, for that reason alone.


我不认为使用 @Category 注释是一个坏主意。我会做的,在一个更典型的项目中有几十个或几百个包含测试的类,它用 @Category 类(而不是方法) $ c>,然后,以避免重复分类测试的努力。 (也许。)

I don't think using @Category annotations is a bad idea however. What I'd do, in a more typical project with tens or hundreds of classes containing tests, is annotate the test classes (instead of methods) with @Category, then use the ClassPathSuite library to avoid duplicated efforts of categorising the tests. (And maybe run the tests by category using Ant.)

如果你只会有两个测试类,那当然不重要。如果有额外的类错误,你可以保留Categories和套件,或者将它们丢弃(如你所说的测试由Ant中的类名称运行)。我会保留他们,并按照通常(在一个健康的项目)中进行上述情况,更多的测试将随着时间的推移积累。 : - )

If you will only ever have the two test classes, it of course doesn't matter much. You can keep the Categories and Suites, or throw them away (as you said the tests are run by class name in Ant) if having the extra classes bugs you. I'd keep them, and move towards the scenario described above, as usually (in a healthy project) more tests will accumulate over time. :-)


09-24 18:15