本文介绍了关于Powerbi Embedded报告计划刷新的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



We are planning to publish our powerbi reports in our sub-domain as a product for our customers. Our reports are refreshing on scheduled manner as new data arrives; hourly, daily, or per 3 hours (or live) etc. We initially tried to use 'publish to web' option, but we realise there is about one hour to see updates on published reports. We need it to be updated as scheduled update occurs.

我们正在考虑使用嵌入式报告,但找不到太多有关其刷新方式的信息。 (我们使用mysql作为大多数报告的数据源)

We are considering to use embedded reports, but we could not find too much any information about how it refreshes. (we are using mysql as datasource for most of our reports)


Can we use embedded reports for that aim? Would it be refreshed instantly as we scheduled refresh our dataset/reports? Or are there any seperate methodology for refreshing embedded reports?


Power BI Embedded报表的数据刷新取决于您如何定义嵌入式报表。 Power BI中的刷新策略。您可以定义计划的刷新(最多由容量定义),也可以触发立即刷新 API调用,如下所述:

Power BI Embedded reports' data refresh is subject to how you define the refresh policy in Power BI. You can define a Scheduled Refresh (up to a limit defined by your capacity) or you can trigger a Refresh Now API call as described here:https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-data-refresh-apis-in-the-power-bi-service/

如果在同一会话中,您想刷新报表视图(通过知道报表具有较新的数据),可以随时调用Javascript SDK的 report.refresh()调用报告。

As for the report's data, once the dataset is refreshed, any new render of the report would show the updated data. If during the same session, you'd want to refresh the view of the report (by knowing that it has newer data) you can always call the Javascript SDK's report.refresh() call on the report.https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-JavaScript/wiki/Embedding---Basic-interactions#refresh-a-report

这篇关于关于Powerbi Embedded报告计划刷新的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 22:15