我遇到了同样的问题。 preserve-3d似乎没有在某些深层嵌套的代码部分有效果。
如果向父类添加overflow:hidden,则preserve-3d将停止生效。.parent {
I am trying to use an effect on this link code_on_jsfiddle . The effect is to show the thickness of the coin as it rotates. Code seems to work fine on the jsfiddle but when I tried using it in my codebase it just doesn't work. Please someone suggest me various scenarios where preserve-3d might not work or can there be come other problem.
I tried to find out what the problem can be and I came across link at w3c.org where is written that "so preserving a hierarchy of elements in 3D space requires that each ancestor in the hierarchy have the value ‘preserve-3d’ for ‘transform-style" so I thought that may be any of my ancestor div might not have preserve-3d style but when I tried to simulate such a situation where an ancestor is nor having the preserve-3d style even than the required transition is working link. Use webkit to see the transition on hover. Please help
解决方案I ran into this same problem. preserve-3d doesn't seem to have an effect in certain deeply nested sections of code. After tweaking all the parent elements, I found the culprit!
overflow: hidden
this line flattens everything.
You can try it here. http://www.webkit.org/blog-files/3d-transforms/transform-style.htmlIf you add overflow: hidden to the parent class, preserve-3d will stop having any effect.
.parent { overflow: visible !important; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; }
should solve the problem.