{ 公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args)
的System.out.println(这里是素数:); 对于(INT指数= 2;指数< 100;指数++)
如果(索引%2 = 0&安培;!&安培;!索引%3 = 0)
} }
如果您使用此条件:如果(!索引%2 = 0&放大器;&安培;索引%3 = 0)
如果(索引%2 = 0&安培;!&安培;索引%3 = 0&安培;!&安培;索引%5 = 0&安培;!&安培;!索引%7 = 0 )
一旦你找到一个素数。使用 nameOfArrayList.add(primeNumberFound);
做吧 公共类QC3PrimeNumbers
{ 公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args)
的System.out.println(这里是素数:); //用一个列表来存储你的素数(它的大小是动态的)
清单<整数GT; primeNums =新的ArrayList<整数GT;(); 对于(INT指数= 2;指数< 100;指数++)
布尔isPrime = TRUE; //最初真实的,这重置每次循环 //对于每个数字可以因素纳入索引号
的for(int i = 2; I<指数;我++)
如果(指数%I == 0)isPrime = FALSE; 如果(isPrime)//如果当前的索引数是素
primeNums.add(索引); //将其添加到列表
{ 公共静态无效的主要(字串[] args)
的System.out.println(这里是素数:); INT numOfPrimes = 0; //计算素NUMS的#您所在地区 //这个循环将计数素数数
对于(INT指数= 2;指数< 100;指数++)
布尔isPrime = TRUE; //最初真实的,这重置每次循环 //对于每个数字可以因素纳入索引号
的for(int i = 2; I<指数;我++)
如果(指数%I == 0)isPrime = FALSE; 如果(isPrime)//如果这个数字是素数
numOfPrimes ++; //它添加到计数
} //数组来保存黄金NUMS W /大小=我们有多少黄金数NUMS
INT [] = primeNums新INT [numOfPrimes] 诠释计数= 0; //跟踪位置primeNums阵列 对于(INT指数= 2;指数< 100;指数++)
布尔isPrime = TRUE; //最初真实的,这重置每次循环 //对于每个数字可以因素纳入索引号
的for(int i = 2; I<指数;我++)
如果(指数%I == 0)isPrime = FALSE; 如果(isPrime)//如果这个数字是素数
primeNums [计数] =指数; //这个黄金NUM添加到数组
算上++; //改变下一个数字数组位置跟踪器
} 对于(INT N:primeNums)//在primeNums阵列的每个整数
System.out.print(N +); //显示整数控制台
I'm learning about arrays right now.
I made this short little program. It's a loop that tests then prints prime numbers.Specifically the numbers between 1 and 100.
I want to know if I can take my loop and store each prime number into an array. Here's my code:
public class QC3PrimeNumbers
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Here are the prime numbers: ");
for (int index = 2; index < 100; index++)
if (index%2 != 0 && index%3 !=0)
System.out.print (index + " ");
If you use this condition: if (index%2 != 0 && index%3 !=0)
, then it will never consider 2 or 3 prime numbers. Same thing if you changed it to:
if (index%2 != 0 && index%3 !=0 && index%5 !=0 && index%7 !=0)
it won't find 2, 3, 5, or 7 to be prime numbers.
I corrected your algorithm and decided to use an ArrrayList to store the list of prime numbers because the size is dynamic. Otherwise, we would first have to find the number of prime numbers in your region to determine the size of the array, and then do another loop of the same thing, except this time adding the numbers to the array.
Once you find a prime number. Use nameOfArrayList.add(primeNumberFound);
Do it with an ArrayList
public class QC3PrimeNumbers
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Here are the prime numbers: ");
// use a List to store your prime numbers (its size is dynamic)
List<Integer> primeNums = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int index = 2; index < 100; index++)
boolean isPrime = true; // initially true, and reset this every loop
// for every number that can factor into the index number
for (int i = 2; i < index; i++)
// if a number is found that factors into it, it's not prime
if (index%i == 0) isPrime = false;
if (isPrime) // if this current index number is prime
System.out.print (index + " ");
primeNums.add(index); // add it to the List
Do it with a regular Array
Here is how to do it using a regular array (not recommended, however):
public class QC3PrimeNumbers
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Here are the prime numbers: ");
int numOfPrimes = 0; // counts the # of prime nums in your region
// this loop will count up the number of prime numbers
for (int index = 2; index < 100; index++)
boolean isPrime = true; // initially true, reset this every loop
// for every number that can factor into the index number
for (int i = 2; i < index; i++)
// if a number is found that factors into it, it's not prime
if (index % i == 0) isPrime = false;
if (isPrime) // if this number is prime
numOfPrimes++; // add it to the count
// array to hold the prime nums w/ size=how many prime nums we counted
int[] primeNums = new int[numOfPrimes];
int count = 0; // keep track of the position in the primeNums array
for (int index = 2; index < 100; index++)
boolean isPrime = true; // initially true, reset this every loop
// for every number that can factor into the index number
for (int i = 2; i < index; i++)
// if a number is found that factors into it, it's not prime
if (index % i == 0) isPrime = false;
if (isPrime) // if this number is prime
primeNums[count] = index; // add this prime num to the array
count++; // change the array position tracker for next number
for (int n : primeNums) // for every integer in primeNums array
System.out.print(n + " "); // display that integer to the console