希望我节省了你很多时间 - marekmand Talliinn,Est onia The time required to write such a tool would have been enormeous. I dont know workings of mr Douglas Crockford''s jsmin, havent read thisNG quite some years, but more than 3 years ago the best one on thejs-scene was mr Thomas Loo''s "ESC" http://www.saltstorm.net/depo/esc/crunching.wbm which outweighed mr Mike Hall''s works "JavaScript Crunchinator" http://www.brainjar.com/js/crunch/which was probably the best one available prior ESC came out. hope I saved you a lot of time --marekmandTalliinn, Estonia 只需使用gzip,它就是'将击败你可以做多次的任何事情,并且 无限简单,并且在 嘎吱嘎吱之后无需再次进行QA。 Jim。 Just use gzip, it''ll beat anything you can do many times over, and isinfinitely simpler and removes the need of doing QA again aftercrunching. Jim. 只要使用gzip,就会打败任何东西你可以做很多次,并且非常简单,并且在处理之后无需再次进行QA。 Just use gzip, it''ll beat anything you can do many times over, and is infinitely simpler and removes the need of doing QA again after crunching. gzip can''在所有情况下都完全削减它。 例如,有些浏览器不做gzip。 gzip can''t quite cut it in all cases.For example, some browsers don''t do gzip. 这篇关于压缩JavaScript?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-22 05:40