


The following post (on stackoverflow.com):

Azure Service Fabric中的应用程序设计


suggested that it is possible to have side by side installation of same application type with a different version. I tried to install a new version of application (fabric:/ServiceFabApp1 with a new version of 2.0.0 and of ServiceFabApp1Type) on my local cluster (that already has same application name with same application type with version 1.0.3 i.e. fabric:/ServiceFabApp1 with a existing version of 1.0.3 and of ServiceFabApp1Type) and got following error:

名称为"fabric:/ServiceFabApp1"的应用程序已存在,其类型为"ServiceFabApp1Type",版本为1.0.3. 您必须先删除现有的应用程序,然后才能部署或提供新的应用程序该应用程序的新名称.

An application with name 'fabric:/ServiceFabApp1' already exists, its Type is 'ServiceFabApp1Type' and Version is'1.0.3'. You must first remove the existing application before a new application can be deployed or providea new name for the application.


Is this by design that application type (for multiple versions) can be same but the application name must be different for each version? Or it simply does not work on the local cluster but works in the azure cloud? Or is my interpretation of the information in the above link is incorrect?


应用程序 types (例如ServiceFabricApp1Type)可以具有一个或多个版本,但是应用程序 instance (例如.fabric:/ServiceFabricApp1)一次只能运行一个版本.

Application types (eg. ServiceFabricApp1Type) can have one or more versions but an application instance (eg. fabric:/ServiceFabricApp1) can only be running one version at a time.


Thus, if you want to have two different versions of your application type running in your local cluster, you will need two different application instances, such that you can have, say, fabric://ServiceFabricApp1 running version 1.0.0 and fabric:/ServiceFabricApp2 running version 2.0.0. The easiest way to do this with the VS tools is to create two application parameters files, each of which defines a distinct app instance name. You can then choose which of the current instances to target with the current version that you're building. To move back and forth between versions of the type in VS, you'll probably want to just create a branch for each.


08-26 05:08