我是 Qt 的新手,我想知道是否可以在我们添加新的 C++ 源文件时自动添加 .h 文件中的某些函数声明和 .cpp 文件中的定义.例如,如果我添加新的 cpp 源文件(cpp + h 文件),Qt 应该自动添加添加函数 initialiseApp(),它在 h 文件中的声明和在 cpp 文件中的定义.如果我创建新项目,这也应该有效.这使我的工作变得轻松,因为我必须在所有 cpp 文件中添加某些功能.谢谢:)
I am a newbie to Qt, and I was wondering if it was possible to automatically add certain functions declaration in .h file and definition in .cpp file, whenever we add new c++ source file. For ex, if I add new cpp source file(cpp + h file), Qt should add automatically add function initialiseApp(), its declaration in h file and its definition in cpp file. This should also work if I create new project. This makes my work easy as I have to add certain functions in all cpp files. Thanks :)
抱歉我造成的混乱.我的意思是 Qt Creator(编辑器)我只希望编辑器在我添加新的 C++ 源文件时添加自定义函数.例如,每当我添加新的 C++ 源文件时,它都应该在头文件(其声明)和 cpp 文件(仅其定义)中添加一个名为 initialiseObjects() 的函数.我知道 refractor 选项存在,但我懒得在每个新的 cpp 头文件中键入声明并右键单击它以添加定义.再次为造成的混乱感到抱歉
Sorry for the confusion I created. I meant Qt Creator(The Editor)I just want the editor to add custom functions whenever I add new C++ source file. For Ex, whenever i add new c++ source file it should add a function called initialiseObjects() in header file(its declaration) and in cpp file(just its definition). I know that refractor option exists but i am just too lazy to type the declaration in every new cpp header file and right click on to it to add definition. Once again Sorry for the confusion created
{Path to Qt installation}\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\templates
In here you can find all default templates and modify them there.