

我定位在画布使用附加属性的元素 Canvas.Top 画布。左。然后用动画的元素被移动到不同的组坐标,像这样的:

I have an element positioned on Canvas using attached properties Canvas.Top and Canvas.Left. Then using animations the element is moved to different set of coordinates, like this:

DoubleAnimation left = new DoubleAnimation( oldLeft, newLeft );
DoubleAnimation top = new DoubleAnimation( oldTop, newTop );

element.BeginAnimation( Canvas.LeftProperty, left );
element.BeginAnimation( Canvas.TopProperty, top );

有没有办法接收事件时 Canvas.Top Canvas.Left 被改变?最好不涉及动画。

Is there a way to receive events whenever Canvas.Top or Canvas.Left is changed? Preferably without relation to animation.


人们可以的使用 DependencyPropertyDescriptor 小号 AddValueChanged 方法:

One can catch attached property changed event using DependencyPropertyDescriptor's AddValueChanged method:

var descriptor 
    = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty( 
        Canvas.LeftProperty, typeof( YourControlType ) 
descriptor.AddValueChanged( this, OnCanvasLeftChanged );


10-27 23:04