本文介绍了我如何从jSoup元素的数组? (JAVA)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



How do I get the values in a piece of Html (values="valueIWant"), and have them in an Array ?I tried the following, but that didn't work:

HttpEntity entity5 = response5.getEntity();
    String defaultString = EntityUtils.toString(entity5);
    Document defaultDoc = Jsoup.parse(defaultString);
    Elements values = defaultDoc.getElementsByAttribute("value"); //DropDownList Values
    String s[] = {""};
    for(int a=0; a<values.size(); a++){
        s[a] = values.get(a).toString();
    return s;

因此​​,任何人有答案吗?谢谢。 (顺便说一句,我用Jsoup)

So anyone got an answer? thanks. (Btw, i use Jsoup)


首先:是你的HTML正确解析?你能否提供 defaultString 的内容是什么?为 defaultDoc 有效期是否与文件编码有问题吧?

First of all: is your HTML parsed correctly? Can you provide the contents of defaultString? Is defaultDoc valid is there a problem with file encodings perhaps?

假设 getElementsByAttribute 实际返回的某些对象 - 注意,你有一个错字,而不是 - 你当前正在填充与所有元素 -objects,而不是属性值的描述的数组。尝试类似如下:

Assuming getElementsByAttribute actually returns some objects —note that you have a typo, value instead of values— you're currently populating the array with the descriptions of all Element-objects, not the values of the attribute. Try something like the following:

int i = 0;
String s[] = new String[values.size()];
for(Element el : values){
    s[i++] = el.attr("values");

这篇关于我如何从jSoup元素的数组? (JAVA)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 12:16