




public $ firstName,$ lastName,$ errorFirstName ='',$ errorLastName ='';

函数__constructor($ fName,$ lName){
$ this-> firstName = $ fName;
$ this-> lastName = $ lName;


if(empty( $ this-> firstName)){
$ this-> errorFirstName ='名字是必需的';
} else {
$ this-> errorFirstName ='Input is okay';

if(empty($ this-> lastName)){
$ this-> errorLastName ='需要姓氏';
} else {
$ this-> errorLastName ='输入可以';

$ obj =新验证($ _ POST ['firstname'],$ _POST ['lastname']) ;
$ obj-> check();
$ errorF = $ obj-> errorFirstName;
$ errorL = $ obj-> errorLastName;


<!DOCTYPE html>
< html lang =en-USdir =ltr>
< head>
< title>主页< / title>
< meta charset =UTF-8/>
< / head>
< body>
< form method =POSTaction =<?php echo $ _SERVER [PHP_SELF]?>>
< label>名字:< / label>
< input type =textname =firstnameplaceholder =John/>
< p class =error><?php echo $ errorF;?>< / p>
< label>姓氏:< / label>
< input type =textname =lastnameplaceholder =Doe/>
< p class =error><?php echo $ errorL;?>< / p>
< input type =submit>
< / form>
< / body>
< / html>


不要创建验证类。它从来没有工作。用于验证用户输入的最.. emm ...可持续选项包括:
$ b

  • 在域实体中执行验证

  • 使用

通过使用实体进行验证,它非常简单。在你的情况下,你会有类 Profile ,你有方法 setFirstName(string $ name)。然后在这个方法中,你做了验证,并在错误抛出一个自定义的 ,像 InvalidFirstName ..或类似的东西。


$ profile = new Profile ;
$ profile-> setEmail(new EmailAddress($ _ POST ['email']));
} catch(InvalidArgumentException $ e){

$ b $因此,为了获得这种行为,你应该有这样的类定义:

  class EmailAddress 
private $ email;

$ b public function __construct(int $ emailId = null,string $ email = null)
if(!$ this-> isValid($ email) ){
$ this-> email = $ email;

$ b私有函数isValid($ email)
return filter_var($ email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)!== false;

public function __toString()
return $ this-> email;



  • 在实体中保留验证,对于唯一的规则

  • 使用值对象来重复约束

I have created a class 'validate' to validate two fields i.e 'firstname' and 'lastname'. It is not working fine, it is showing error when field is empty but when I submit the form with non-empty fields the error is still there. How to execute this on form submission?


  class validation {

  public $firstName, $lastName, $errorFirstName = '', $errorLastName = '';

  function __constructor($fName, $lName){
    $this->firstName = $fName;
    $this->lastName = $lName;

  function check(){

      if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"){
        $this->errorFirstName = 'First name is required';
       } else {
        $this->errorFirstName = 'Input is okay';

         $this->errorLastName = 'Last name is required';
      }  else {
       $this->errorLastName = 'Input is okay';

 $obj = new validation($_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname']);
 $errorF = $obj->errorFirstName;
 $errorL = $obj->errorLastName;


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang = "en-US" dir = "ltr">
    <meta charset = "UTF-8"/>
   <form method = "POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]?>">
    <label>First Name: </label>
    <input type = "text" name = "firstname" placeholder = "John"/>
    <p class = "error"><?php echo $errorF;?></p>
    <label>Last Name: </label>
    <input type = "text" name = "lastname" placeholder = "Doe"/>
    <p class = "error"><?php echo $errorL;?></p>
    <input type="submit">

Don't make a validation class. It never works. The most .. emm ... sustainable options for validating user input are:

With using entities for validation, it is quite simple. In your case you would have class Profile where you have method setFirstName(string $name). Then within this method you do the validation and on error throw a custom made exception, like InvalidFirstName .. or something like that.

Using value objects is a bit trickier, but it prevents the code duplication. For example, you need to validate email address. So, the way you would want to use it would look something like:

try {
    $profile = new Profile;
    $profile->setEmail(new EmailAddress($_POST['email']));
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e){
    // validation failed

Therefore, to get this behavior, you would have the class defined kinda like this:

class EmailAddress
    private $email;

    public function __construct(int $emailId = null, string $email = null)
        if (!$this->isValid($email)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not valid email address');
        $this->email = $email;

    private function isValid($email)
        return filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false;

    public function __toString()
        return $this->email;

This approach is a lot more expressive, but it tends to become a big gnarly, when interacting with persistence layer.

In practice, the best option is to use combination of these both solutions:

  • keep the validation in entities, for rules, that are unique
  • use value objects for often repeating constraints


08-22 23:47