I frequently create nonparametric statistics (loess, kernel densities, etc) on data I pull out of a relational database. To make data management easier I would like to store R output back inside my DB. This is easy with simple data frames of numbers or text, but I have not figured out how to store R objects back in my relational database. So is there a way to store a vector of kernel densities, for example, back into a relational database?
Right now I work around this by saving the R objects to a network drive space so others can load the objects as needed.
使用序列化功能将任何R对象转换为(原始或字符)字符串,然后存储该字符串。请参阅 help(serialize)
Use the serialization feature to turn any R object into a (raw or character) string, then store that string. See help(serialize)
反向检索:获取字符串,然后 unserialize()
Reverse this for retrieval: get the string, then unserialize()
into a R object.