


I recently ran into a problem where it seems I need a 'static abstract' method. I know why it is impossible, but how can I work around this limitation?

例如我有一个抽象类,它有一个描述字符串.由于这个字符串对所有实例都是通用的,所以它被标记为静态,但我想要求从这个类派生的所有类都提供自己的 Description 属性,所以我将它标记为抽象:

For example I have an abstract class which has a description string. Since this string is common for all instances, it is marked as static, but I want to require that all classes derived from this class provide their own Description property so I marked it as abstract:

abstract class AbstractBase
    public static abstract string Description{get;}


It won't compile of course. I thought of using interfaces but interfaces may not contain static method signatures.


Should I make it simply non-static, and always get an instance to get that class specific information?



static 和 abstract 的结合有点没有意义,是的.静态背后的想法是不需要提供类的实例来使用有问题的成员;但是对于抽象,人们期望一个实例是提供具体实现的派生类.

Combining static and abstract is somewhat meaningless, yes. The idea behind static is one need not present an instance of the class in order to use the member in question; however with abstract, one expects an instance to be of a derived class that provides a concrete implementation.


I can see why you'd want this sort of combination, but the fact is the only effect would be to deny the implementation use of 'this' or any non-static members. That is, the parent class would dictate a restriction in the implementation of the derived class, even though there's no underlying difference between calling an abstract or 'static abstract' member (as both would need a concrete instance to figure out what implementation to use)


08-20 03:46