

我是在实施审计日志来记录的简短更改数据库的描述的过程。我的审核表包含一个自动编号的PK,EMPID(数量),描述(备忘录),和auditDate(日期/时间)。我EMPID和说明被正确地插入,没有抛出错误,但没有被插入我的日期/时间。我想这可能不是那么简单放错位置的引号。我的VBA code是如下:

I am in the process of implementing an audit log to record a brief description of changes to the database. My audits table consists of an autonumber PK, empID(number), Description(memo), and auditDate(date/time). My empID and description are being properly inserted without throwing errors, but my date/time is not being inserted. I am thinking this may not be as simple as misplaced quotation marks. My VBA code is as follows:


in the afterInsert event:

Dim strQuery As String
'Dim js As Integer
Dim currDateTime As Date
currDateTime = Now()

strQuery = "INSERT INTO Audits ([emp Number], Description, dateofAudit) VALUES (" & Me.empID & ", '" & "insertion" & "'," & currDateTime & " )"

CurrentDb.Execute (strQuery)

就像我说的,我可以得到精美的前三个值,但是当我试图插入日期的时候,我遇到的问题。任何输入AP preciated。但愿这不是简单,只要放错位置的引号,因为我想提交这个问题之前,引号的位置约4的变化:)

Like I said, I can get the first three values in fine, but when I attempt to insert the date time, I run into problems. Any input is appreciated. Hopefully this is not as simple as misplaced quotation marks, as I tried about 4 variations of quotation mark placement before submitting this question:)



strQuery = "INSERT INTO Audits ([emp Number], [Description], dateofAudit)" & _
    vbCrLf & "VALUES (" & Me.empID & ", 'insertion', Now())"


Also give yourself an opportunity to examine the finished text string.

Debug.Print strQuery

通过这种方法,你就不需要你的 currDateTime 变量。当数据库引擎评估 NOW()功能......时间的日期/时间值将被确定在该插入语句。

With that approach, you wouldn't need your currDateTime variable. The Date/Time value would be determined when the db engine evaluates the Now() function ... the time at which the INSERT statement is executed.

如果你想的时候按你原来的做法,格式为: currDateTime 并添加分隔符。

If you want the time as per your original approach, format currDateTime and add # delimiters.

strQuery = "INSERT INTO Audits ([emp Number], [Description], dateofAudit)" & _
    vbCrLf & "VALUES (" & Me.empID & ", 'insertion', " & _
    Format(currDateTime, "\#yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss\#") & ")"


07-29 17:38