

我有RDD[Row],需要持久化到第三方存储库.但是这个第三方存储库在一次调用中最多接受 5 MB.

I have RDD[Row], which needs to be persisted to a third party repository.But this third party repository accepts of maximum of 5 MB in a single call.

所以我想根据 RDD 中存在的数据大小而不是根据 RDD 中存在的行数创建分区.

So I want to create partition based on the size of the data present in RDD and not based on the number of rows present in RDD.

如何找到 RDD 的大小并基于它创建分区?

How can I find the size of a RDD and create partitions based on it?


正如 Justin 和 Wang 所提到的,获得 RDD 的大小并不简单.我们可以做一个估计.

As Justin and Wang mentioned it is not straight forward to get the size of RDD. We can just do a estimate.

我们可以对 RDD 进行采样,然后使用 SizeEstimator 得到样本的大小.正如王和贾斯汀所说,根据离线采样的大小数据,假设 X 行离线使用 Y GB,运行时 Z 行可能占用 Z*Y/X GB

We can sample a RDD and then use SizeEstimator to get the size of sample. As Wang and Justin mentioned,based on the size data sampled offline, say, X rows used Y GB offline, Z rows at runtime may take Z*Y/X GB

这是获取 RDD 大小/估计的示例 Scala 代码.

Here is the sample scala code to get the size/estimate of a RDD.

我是 Scala 和 Spark 的新手.下面的示例可能会以更好的方式编写

I am new to scala and spark. Below sample may be written in a better way

def getTotalSize(rdd: RDD[Row]): Long = {
  // This can be a parameter
  val NO_OF_SAMPLE_ROWS = 10l;
  val totalRows = rdd.count();
  var totalSize = 0l
  if (totalRows > NO_OF_SAMPLE_ROWS) {
    val sampleRDD = rdd.sample(true, NO_OF_SAMPLE_ROWS)
    val sampleRDDSize = getRDDSize(sampleRDD)
    totalSize = sampleRDDSize.*(totalRows)./(NO_OF_SAMPLE_ROWS)
  } else {
    // As the RDD is smaller than sample rows count, we can just calculate the total RDD size
    totalSize = getRDDSize(rdd)


def getRDDSize(rdd: RDD[Row]) : Long = {
    var rddSize = 0l
    val rows = rdd.collect()
    for (i <- 0 until rows.length) {
       rddSize += SizeEstimator.estimate(rows.apply(i).toSeq.map { value => value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] })



10-29 23:40