


val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("db", "table").select("id", "date", "gpsdt").where("id=? and date=? and gpsdt>? and gpsdt<?", entry(0), entry(1), entry(2) , entry(3))
val rddcopy = rdd.sortBy(row => row.get[String]("gpsdt"), false).zipWithIndex()
rddcopy.foreach { records =>
    val previousRow = (records - 1)th row
    val currentRow = records
// Some calculation based on both rows 


So, Idea is to get just previous \ next row on each iteration of RDD. I want to calculate some field on current row based on the value present on previous row. Thanks,



EDIT II: Misunderstood question below is how to get tumbling window semantics but sliding window is needed. considering this is a sorted RDD

import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.RDDFunctions._


should do the trick. Note however that this is using a DeveloperAPI.


val l = sortedRdd.zipWithIndex.map(kv => (kv._2, kv._1))
val r = sortedRdd.zipWithIndex.map(kv => (kv._2-1, kv._1))
val sliding = l.join(r)


rdd joins should be inner joins (IIRC) thus dropping the edge cases where the tuples would be partially null


您如何确定上一行?RDD本身没有任何稳定的排序.如果您有递增的密集键,则可以添加一个新列,该列的计算方式如下: if(k%2 == 0)k/2 else(k-1)/2 对于两个连续键具有相同值的键.然后,您可以分组.

how do you do identify the previous row? RDDs do not have any sort of stable ordering by themselves. if you have an incrementing dense key you could add a new column that get's calculated the following way if (k % 2 == 0) k / 2 else (k-1)/2 this should give you a key that has the same value for two successive keys. Then you could just group by.

但是要重申的是,在大多数情况下,对于RDD(取决于分区,数据源等),并没有真正意义上的 previous

But to reiterate there is no really sensible notion of previous in most cases for RDDs (depending on partitioning, datasource etc.)

因此,现在您有了一个zipWithIndex并在您的集合中进行了排序,您可以执行我上面提到的操作.因此,现在您有了 RDD [(Int,YourData)] 并可以完成

so now that you have a zipWithIndex and an ordering in your set you can do what I mentioned above. So now you have an RDD[(Int, YourData)] and can do

rdd.map( kv => if (kv._1 % 2 == 0) (kv._1 / 2, kv._2) else ( (kv._1 -1) /2, kv._2 ) ).groupByKey.foreach (/* your stuff here /*)

如果您在任何时候减少,请考虑使用 reduceByKey 而不是 groupByKey().reduce

if you reduce at any point consider using reduceByKey rather than groupByKey().reduce


10-29 17:11