本文介绍了如何使用kendo-ui图表栏为每个条形组显示两个标签的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 $( #chart)。kendoChart( {title:{ text: 每篇文章总数的角色分布(每个选定的级别) ) }, chartArea:{ width: 800 ,heigth: 500 , stack:{type: 100% }, legend:{visible: true }, seriesDefaults:{type: column}, series:[ { name: ,堆栈: 图表,d ata:chart_Profiling // [76067,0,0] }, { name: B, stack: 图表, data:chart_Compulsory // [14183,0,0] }, { name: C, stack: Chart, data:chart_Complement // [ 1197,465606,6567] }, { name: , visibleInLegend: false , stack: Chart1, data:chart_Profiling_1 // [76067,0,0] }, { name: , visibleInLegend: false , stack: Chart1, data:chart_Compulsory_1 // [14183,0,0] }, { name: , visibleInLegend: false , stack: Chart1, data:chart_Complement_1 // [1197,465606,6567] } , ], seriesColors:[ rgb(214,186,114), rgb(197,200,203), rgb(170,115,80)], valueAxis:{ // majorUnit:(max7 / 10), // max :( max7 +(max7 / 6)), max:max7, min: 0 ,标签:{ te mplate: #= kendo.format('{0:N0}',value)# },行:{可见: true } }, categoryAxis: {类别:[Category1,Category2,Category3,Category4], majorGridLines:{ visible: true } ,标签:{轮换:-45 } },工具提示:{ visible: true ,模板: #= series.name#:#= value# },pannable:{ // lock:y }, zoomable:{ mousewheel:{ // lock:y },选择:{ // lock:y } } }); } 我的尝试: 我试图使用kendo-ui控件并使用上面的代码为每个图表组显示两个标签。但是没有提出解决方案。 如何使用上面的代码,请参考MyChart.png: - MyChart.png - Google云端硬盘 [ ^ ] 以这种方式我要显示,请找截图: - Stack Bar.png - Google云端硬盘 [ ^ ] 解决方案 ( #chart)。kendoChart( {title:{ text: 每篇文章总数的角色分布(每个选定的级别) }, chartArea:{宽度: 800 ,高度: 500 ,堆栈:{type: 100%}}, legend:{visible: true }, seriesDefaults:{type: column} ,系列:[ { name: A , stack: Chart, data:chart_Profiling // [76067,0,0] }, { name: B, stack: 图表,数据:chart_Compulsory // [14183, 0,0] }, { name: C, stack: Chart,数据:chart_Complement // [1197,465606,6567] }, { name: , visibleInLegend : false , stack: Chart1 ,数据:chart_Profiling_1 // [76067,0,0] }, { name: , visibleInLegend: false , stack: Chart1, data:chart_Compulsory_1 // [14183,0,0 ] }, { name: , visibleInLegend: false , stack: Chart1, data:chart_Complement_1 // [1197,465606,6567] }, ], seriesColors: [ rgb(214,186,114), rgb(197,200,203), rgb(170,115,80)], valueAxis:{ // majorUnit:(max7 / 10), // max:(max7 +(max7 / 6)), max:max7, min: 0 ,标签:{模板: #= kendo.format('{0:N0}',value)# }, line:{ visible: true } }, categoryAxis:{ categories:[Category1,Category2,Category3,Category4], majorGridLines:{ visible: true },标签:{轮换:-45 } },工具提示:{ visible: true ,模板: #= series.name#:#= value# },pannable:{ // lock:y }, zoomable:{ mousewheel :{ // lock:y },选择:{ // lock:y } } }); } 我的尝试: 我试图使用kendo-ui控件并使用上面的代码为每个图表组显示两个标签。但是没有提出解决方案。 如何使用上面的代码,请参考MyChart.png: - MyChart.png - Google云端硬盘 [ ^ ] 以这种方式我要显示,请找截图: - Stack Bar.png - Google云端硬盘 [ ^ $("#chart").kendoChart( { title: { text: "Distribution of roles per total number of articles (per selected levels)" }, chartArea: { width: 800, heigth: 500, stack: { type: "100%" } }, legend: { visible: true }, seriesDefaults: { type: "column" }, series: [ { name: "A", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Profiling//[76067, 0, 0] }, { name: "B", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Compulsory//[14183, 0, 0] }, { name: "C", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Complement//[1197, 465606, 6567] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Profiling_1//[76067, 0, 0] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Compulsory_1 //[14183, 0, 0] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Complement_1//[1197, 465606, 6567] }, ], seriesColors: ["rgb(214,186,114)", "rgb(197,200,203)", "rgb(170,115,80)"], valueAxis: { //majorUnit: (max7 / 10), //max: (max7 + (max7 / 6)), max: max7 , min: 0, labels: { template: "#= kendo.format('{0:N0}', value ) # " }, line: { visible: true } }, categoryAxis: { categories: [Category1,Category2,Category3,Category4], majorGridLines: { visible: true }, labels: { rotation: -45 } }, tooltip: { visible: true, template: "#= series.name #: #= value #" }, pannable: { // lock: "y" }, zoomable: { mousewheel: { // lock: "y" }, selection: { // lock: "y" } } });}What I have tried:I have tried to show two labels in for each chart group using kendo-ui controls and also using above code.But didn't come up with solution.How i get using above code,please refer MyChart.png:-MyChart.png - Google Drive[^]In this manner i want to display,please find screenshot:-Stack Bar.png - Google Drive[^] 解决方案 ("#chart").kendoChart( { title: { text: "Distribution of roles per total number of articles (per selected levels)" }, chartArea: { width: 800, heigth: 500, stack: { type: "100%" } }, legend: { visible: true }, seriesDefaults: { type: "column" }, series: [ { name: "A", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Profiling//[76067, 0, 0] }, { name: "B", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Compulsory//[14183, 0, 0] }, { name: "C", stack: "Chart", data: chart_Complement//[1197, 465606, 6567] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Profiling_1//[76067, 0, 0] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Compulsory_1 //[14183, 0, 0] }, { name: "", visibleInLegend: false, stack: "Chart1", data: chart_Complement_1//[1197, 465606, 6567] }, ], seriesColors: ["rgb(214,186,114)", "rgb(197,200,203)", "rgb(170,115,80)"], valueAxis: { //majorUnit: (max7 / 10), //max: (max7 + (max7 / 6)), max: max7 , min: 0, labels: { template: "#= kendo.format('{0:N0}', value ) # " }, line: { visible: true } }, categoryAxis: { categories: [Category1,Category2,Category3,Category4], majorGridLines: { visible: true }, labels: { rotation: -45 } }, tooltip: { visible: true, template: "#= series.name #: #= value #" }, pannable: { // lock: "y" }, zoomable: { mousewheel: { // lock: "y" }, selection: { // lock: "y" } } });}What I have tried:I have tried to show two labels in for each chart group using kendo-ui controls and also using above code.But didn't come up with solution.How i get using above code,please refer MyChart.png:-MyChart.png - Google Drive[^]In this manner i want to display,please find screenshot:-Stack Bar.png - Google Drive[^] 这篇关于如何使用kendo-ui图表栏为每个条形组显示两个标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-25 06:19