我需要在我的C ++代码中集成这个
。我想从dll调用C#编写的一些函数,其余的代码用C ++编写。最简单和最快捷的方法是什么?程序只能在Windows上执行。
I need to integrate this C# dllin my C++ code. I want to call some functions written in C# from dll and the rest of code write in C++. What is the easiest and quickest way to do it? The program will be executed only on Windows.
基本上有两种情况可以从非托管代码调用.NET DLL: / p>
There are basically two cases to call a .NET DLL from unmanaged code:
- .NET DLL暴露了一个COM接口。在这种情况下,您可以使用C ++代码中的COM。
.NET DLL不会公开COM接口。在这种情况下,您有两种可能性(简单):
- The .NET DLL exposes a COM interface. In this case, you can use COM from your C++ code.
The .NET DLL does not expose a COM interface. In this case, you have two possibilities (to make it simple):
2.b.写一个托管的C ++代码(另一个DLL - 用C ++ / CLI编写)来包装.NET DLL,并将旧方式DLL导出到非托管客户端。
2.a. host the CLR as described here: Loading the Common Language Runtime into a Process
2.b. write a piece of managed C++ code (another DLL - written in C++/CLI) to wrap the .NET DLL and expose 'old way' DLL exports to unmanaged clients.
我不是特别知道sharpbox系统,但它看起来像是纯.NET,并没有公开COM接口,所以2.b可能是最好的方法不是那么容易...)也许它具有可以使用的REST / Web更容易的API。
I don't specifically know the sharpbox system, but it looks like it's pure .NET and does not expose COM interfaces, so 2.b might be the best way to do it (not so easy...). Maybe it has a REST/Web easier API you could use.
PS:您还可以将导出添加到.NET DLL。这在这里描述:,但它有点黑客。
PS: you can also add exports to a .NET DLL. This is described here: Is is possible to export functions from a C# DLL like in VS C++? but it's kinda hacky.
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