


I'm using Play framework's great crud module. The thing is I would like to do some special processing and validation before my object gets saved. So I created a save action in my CRUD controller. So far so good. But now after the object is saved I would like to render the list of objects just like the CRUD module was doing before I overrode its save action. How would I go about doing this?


package controllers.admin;

import java.util.List;

import models.Category;
import controllers.CRUD;

public class Categories extends CRUD {

     public static void save(Long id, Category category) {
         // Do my custom save process here

         //Redirect to the list page like CRUD was doing before I created this save action


我尝试过不同的东西,如 parent() [Deprecated ]不是我想要的。我尝试了 CRUD.list()但我需要传递我没有的参数。我也试过 render(admin / Categories / List.html,??????); 但我需要传递一个列表,我不知道什么

I tried different things like parent() [Deprecated] not what I wanted. I tried CRUD.list() but I need to pass parameters which I don't have. I also tried render(admin/Categories/List.html, ??????); but I would need to pass a list and I don't know what to call it.



在正确的道路上。最后只需调用 redirect(request.controller +.list); 它应该工作。

You're on the right path. At the end just call redirect(request.controller + ".list"); It should work.


10-24 12:14