


I am building an admin panel that involves mostly CRUD operations in AngularJS. I have seen many examples of how to do this on the web. Each example I have seen is a single page application that handles a single type (for example Person, Employee, etc.).


My question is the following: If the admin application I am building will involve a large number of CRUDS (one for each type used in the database), should I still use one single page app for the entire admin panel website or should I make each CRUD a separate single page application?



我们已经选择使用一个单一的应用程序与angular.js叫NG管理员(开源内置多模式管理GUI,见$ C在 $ C)。

We've chosen to use a single app for a multi-model admin GUI built with angular.js called ng-admin (open-source, see code at https://github.com/marmelab/ng-admin).

这工作得很好,而且它更容易处理模型关系(一到多,多到一,多到多)。有几个应用程序,否则将意味着启动多个应用程序 - 可能是坏的webperf

It works very well, and it's easier to deal with model relationships (one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many). Doing so with several apps would imply booting several applications - probably bad for webperf.


10-24 00:59