

我觉得继承与基类的概念,面向对象的最强点。但是,这不是鼓励SOA。那么,什么是流行的方式克服这种限制在SOA?能否请您提供教程,解释(与WCF code示范)这些模式?




  1. Do不要在设计抽象基类;但在建模/分析

  2. How是一种SOA架构真的要实施?

  3. How处理与Java多态性在面向服务的架构

  4. 如何起床的速度在SOA?

  5. 什么是面向服务的架构?

  6. 待办事项DDD和SOA真正发挥得很好?

  7. SOA和WCF的设计问题:这是一个不寻常的系统设计

  8. Designing WCF数据合同和操作

  9. Expando的对象在C#4.0


不管你是否考虑SOA通过SOAP,REST或消息落实,服务文档为中心。 服务是不是面向对象的


I find Inheritance and concept of base class as the strongest point of OOP. But this is not encouraged in SOA. So, what are the popular patterns for overcoming this limitation in SOA? Could you please provide tutorials that explains (with code demonstration in WCF) these patterns?

Note: This is NOT a general question about patterns available in SOA. But it is more specific to the above mentioned problem.

Note: I am using WCF for SOA.


  1. "Do not use Abstract Base class in Design; but in Modeling/Analysis"

  2. How is an SOA architecture really supposed to be implemented?

  3. How to deal with Java Polymorphism in Service Oriented Architecture

  4. How to get up to speed on SOA?

  5. What is Service oriented Architecture?

  6. Do DDD and SOA really play well together?

  7. SOA and WCF design questions: Is this an unusual system design?

  8. Designing WCF data contracts and operations

  9. Expando Objects in C# 4.0


No matter whether or not you think about SOA as implemented by SOAP, REST or messaging, services are document-centric. Services are not object-oriented.

While polymorphism is a strong design tool in OOD, it's not applicable in SOA because SOA modeling doesn't involve classes.


06-27 02:44