


For a government contract we will be proposing to build a traffic monitoring architecture. We will have the following components:

  • 摄像机的周围设置感兴趣的区域。摄像机会认识到自己的位置和方向和查看参数。

  • 可用于查询的小巷,GIS地图服务器,建筑物等。

  • 的算法发生在原始视频和街道的位置信息和输出汽车的位置。

  • 另一个算法将汽车的位置和非常低的水平街道信息,并提供有关其汽车驾驶异常信息。

  • 另一个数据库会在约车地点的信息和异常报告随着时间的推移,以后可以查询这一点。

  • 代理(或者更准确的说,一个门面)架设在归档数据库,以提供一个统一的接口信息的实时算法。

  • 客户端连接到代理,并到街上服务器和油漆的屏幕上的交通状况不同的再presentations。


I'm just now learning what an SOA is. Is this an ideal candidate of a Service Oriented Architecture SOA? I had heard that SOA services should be stateless (or is that only RESTful services?) I had also heard that it was inadvisable to pipe one service to the next to the next because it increases hidden complexity, and that there was something you should do to make this situation better (an "orchestration"?). The services above do appear to be modular and reusable. For instance, there will be plenty of cameras, various types of vehicle detection and anomaly algorithms, distributed databases, and plenty of clients. I will need to have the capability to handle events: for instance, if I may want to register to a service and be notified whenever a big truck moves past this point.

如果这不是最好由SOA实施,那么还有什么地方我应该寻找。如果这是理想的SOA,那么我应该在哪里开始设计这个时候? (我从已经阅读维基百科的SOA页开始基本上是这样。)请问有什么好的案例研究,看看在这里?

If this isn't ideally implemented by a SOA, then where else should I be looking. If this is ideal for a SOA, then where should I start when designing this? (And I'm starting basically from having read Wikipedia's SOA page.) Are there any good case studies to look at here?


是,SOA在这种情况下(复杂的分布式系统,具有广泛的技术组合),但是从它的声音理想的,你需要做一大堆更多的研究来让你的头左右的概念。这是不以任何拉伸一个艰难的概念,它实际上是简单的,但没有一个prescribed办法做到这一点。我建议去了<一个href=\"http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SNNT_enUS377US377&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=soa+case+studies+large+complex+projects\"相对=nofollow> SOA案例同样规模的项目研究中,成功和失败。

Yes, SOA is ideal in this case (complex, distributed system with a wide mix of technologies) but from the sound of it you need to do a whole lot more research to get your head around the concept. It is not a tough concept by any stretch, it's actually simple, but there is no one prescribed way to do it. I suggest going over SOA case studies for similarly-sized projects, successes and failures.


You mention a facade for one of your subsystems. Extend that same concept to the rest of your components. E.g. each service is a facade to a complex subsystem.


Also, I recommend implementing a couple of different web services in your choice of technologies and abstracting arbitrary different subsystems (a database should be one of the coponents.) Then write a client that makes use of them. Doing so will give you a lot of practical experience and insight into the concept.

最后一个念头:在一个领域,一个SOA架构可能会绊倒是,如果你有几个不同的服务之间移动视频数据。 SOA的无状态,事务性质移动速度非常大量数据或非常大的数据集进行大宗交易时,当可能会带来性能问题。你要么需要保持局部的视频或实现后端子系统(作弊),以避免潜在的讨厌的瓶颈。

Last thought: The one area where an SOA architecture might stumble is if you have to move video data between several different services. The stateless, transactional nature of SOAs might introduce performance issues when moving very large amounts of data or when performing bulk transactions on very large data sets. You either need to keep video localized or implement a back-end subsystem (cheat) to avoid potentially nasty bottlenecks.


09-22 16:18