本文介绍了Access 2017 中的自动刷新表单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法按时间自动刷新表单?我正在创建一个状态板,以在制造的大屏幕上显示当前的 RMA 状态.有没有办法每 10 秒左右刷新一次这些数据?提前感谢您的任何帮助.托尼

Is there a way to auto refresh a form by time? I'm creating an status board to display the current RMA status on a big screen for manufacturing. Is there a way to refresh this data every 10 seconds or so? Thanks in advance for any assistance. Tony


是的,有.只需在表单上设置 Timer interval 属性,并使用 Form_Timer 事件.

Yes, there is. Just set the Timer interval property on the form, and use the Form_Timer event.


Add the following code to auto-refresh on the timer.

Private Sub Form_Timer()
End Sub

请注意,计时器间隔以毫秒为单位,因此 10 秒 = 10000.另请注意,它会导致明显的闪烁",并且可以重置您当前关注的字段.

Note that the timer interval is in milliseconds, so 10 seconds = 10000.Also note that it causes a noticable "blink", and can reset the field you're currently focusing on.

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10-27 23:47