


According to this question, pm2 should restart crashed applications.

当我的应用程序崩溃时,什么都没有发生,并且pm2 list中缺少该过程.我必须以某种方式激活自动重启选项"吗?

When my application crashes nothing happens and the process is missing from pm2 list. Do I have to somehow activate an 'auto restart option'?


  • pm2 v0.12.3
  • 节点v0.11.14
  • Amazon Linux


尝试使用PM2作为监视Node.js应用程序的唯一方法的效果很差.最后,我采用的方法是使用 Monit 来监视应用程序过程并在使用monit配置脚本来执行startOrRestartstop的过程.例如,在monitrc文件中:

I've had poor results trying to use PM2 as the sole means by which to monitor my Node.js applications. In the end the approach I took was to use to Monit to monitor the application process and use pm2 within the monit configuration script to startOrRestart or stop the process. For example, in a monitrc file:

check process node_app matching /home/webapps/node_app/app.js start program = "/bin/bash -lc 'cd /home/webapps/node_app && PM2_HOME=/home/webapps/.pm2 /usr/bin/pm2 startOrRestart processes.json'" stop program = "/bin/bash -lc 'cd /home/webapps/node_app && PM2_HOME=/home/webapps/.pm2 /usr/bin/pm2 stop processes.json'"

check process node_app matching /home/webapps/node_app/app.js start program = "/bin/bash -lc 'cd /home/webapps/node_app && PM2_HOME=/home/webapps/.pm2 /usr/bin/pm2 startOrRestart processes.json'" stop program = "/bin/bash -lc 'cd /home/webapps/node_app && PM2_HOME=/home/webapps/.pm2 /usr/bin/pm2 stop processes.json'"

这不仅可以让您监视监视者",而且还可以作为持久性 PM2在重新启动错误后无法重新启动应用程序.

Not only does this allow you to "watch the watcher" it helps as a work-around for the persistent PM2 fails to restart applications after a reboot bug.


07-17 12:06