Does webGL contain push/popMatrix? and if not, how would I go about recreating them?
否,WebGL基于OpenGL ES 2.0,因此没有内置的矩阵管理或固定功能管道.需要使用您自己的代码完全管理模型视图和投影矩阵,并在绘制时将其传递给着色器.如果您使用场景图或某种其他类似的场景管理系统,则实际上不需要推入式和弹出式矩阵.您真正需要的只是一个好的矩阵和矢量数学库.
No, WebGL is based off of OpenGL ES 2.0, so there is no built in matrix management or fixed function pipeline. The model view and projection matrices need to be completely managed in your own code and passed to shaders at draw time. You really don't need push and pop matrix if you are using a scene graph or some kind of other similar scene management system. All you really need is a good matrix and vector math library.
If you are still set on using push and pop matrix, you could simply use an array of matrices, and write functions like push and pop that simply save your current matrix into the array and push or pop the index down.
如果在过渡到WebGL时需要更多帮助,我将获得OpenGL ES 2.0编程指南.该书的网站位于: http://opengles-book.com/包含一些源代码的下载链接.带有针对各种平台和语言(包括WebGL)的演示.如果需要,它还包含一个不错的数学库.
I would get the OpenGL ES 2.0 programming guide if you need more help with transitioning to WebGL. The book's website here: http://opengles-book.com/ contains a download link to some source code with demos for a variety of platforms and languages including WebGL. It also contains a decent math library if you need it.