

我已经为客户构建了付费墙CMS +开票系统,我需要对测试进行更严格的测试.

I've built a paywalled CMS + invoicing system for a client and I need to get more stringent with my testing.

我将所有数据保存在Django ORM中,并且有许多Celery任务以不同的时间间隔运行,以确保在用户不支付发票时发送新的发票和发票提醒,并减少访问权限.

I keep all my data in a Django ORM and have a bunch of Celery tasks that run at different intervals that makes sure that new invoices and invoice reminders get sent and cuts of access when users don't pay their invoices.


For example I'd like to be a able to run a test that:

  1. 创建新用户并生成X天访问网站的发票

  1. Creates a new user and generates an invoice for X days of access to the site

模拟X +1天的过去,并运行我在Celery中设置的所有任务.

Simulates the passing of X + 1 days, and runs all the tasks I've got set up in Celery.


Checks that a new invoice for an other X days has been issued to the user.


The KISS approach I've come up with so far is to do all the testing on a separate machine and actually manipulate the date/time at the OS-level. So the testing script would:

  1. 将系统日期设置为第一天

  1. Set the system date to day 1


Create a new user and generate the first invoice for X days of access

将系统日期提前1天.运行我所有的芹菜任务.重复直到X + 1天已经过去"

Advance then system date 1 day. Run all my celery tasks. Repeat until X + 1 days have "passed"



It's a bit clunky but I think it might work. Any other ideas on how to get it done?


您可以使用 mock 更改用于获取时间的函数的返回值(例如datetime.datetime.now).

You can use mock to change the return value of the function you use to get the time (datetime.datetime.now for example).


There are various ways to do so (see the mock documentation), but here is one :

import unittest
import datetime
from mock import patch

class SomeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.time = datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 18)
        class fakedatetime(datetime.datetime):
            def now(cls):
                return self.time
        patcher = patch('datetime.datetime', fakedatetime)

    def test_something(self):
        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 18))
        self.time = datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 20)
        self.assertEqual(datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.datetime(2012, 5, 20))


Because we can't replace directly datetime.datetime.now, we create a fake datetime class that does everything the same way, except returning a constant value when now is called.


08-03 20:09