本文介绍了我无法使用 PHP 进行基本的 http 身份验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一项工作要做,我需要登录该网页并从中提取内容.查询必须包含用户名和访问密钥.问题是我真的不知道如何使用 thos 2 元素和 PHP 进行查询.所以,我发现这个代码有这个代码:

I have a work to do and I need to login to the webpage, and extract content from it.The query has to be made of a username and an access key.The problem is that I don't really know how to make a query with thos 2 elements, and in PHP.So, I have found this code have this code :

$ak =  "accesskey";

$username = 'admin';
$password = '123';
$remote_url = '';

// Create a stream
$opts = array(
        'header' => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$ak")

$context = stream_context_create($opts);

// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $context);



But the output is simply the Webpage code, from the <!DOCTYPE html><html> to </html>

根据网页REST API,我需要得到的结果是这样的:

According to the webpage REST API, the result that I need to get is this :

    success: true,
    result: json_result


Any idea why it doesn't work ?

PS:这里是 API 文档:https://www.vtiger.com/docs/rest-api-for-vtiger#/Authentication

PS : here is the API documentation : https://www.vtiger.com/docs/rest-api-for-vtiger#/Authentication


vTiger API(至少在 7.2 中)具有参数和表单 POST 有效负载的奇怪组合.这是我用来入门的 Python 脚本.请注意,它在 getchallenge 命中中使用了 param,但在 login 命中中使用了 data:

The vTiger API (in 7.2 at least) has an odd combination of parameter and form POST payloads. Here is the Python script I used to get started. Note that it uses param in the getchallenge hit but data in the login hit:

import requests
from hashlib import md5
import urllib3

urllib3.disable_warnings()  # shut up whining about that security stuff

encoding = 'ascii'
userName = 'Michael'
userToken = (access key from my preferences page)

session = requests.Session()

def getSession(session, name, token):

    response = session.get(APIURL, params={'operation':'getchallenge', 'username':userName}, verify=False)

    token_key = response.json()['result']['token']

    combined = token_key + userToken

    accessKey = md5(combined.encode(encoding)).hexdigest()

    response1 = session.post(APIURL,
            data={'operation':'login', 'username':userName, 'accessKey':accessKey},
    return response1.json()['result']['sessionName']

sessionToken = getSession(session, userName, userToken)

types = session.get(APIURL, params={'operation':'listtypes', 'sessionName':sessionToken})

这篇关于我无法使用 PHP 进行基本的 http 身份验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 08:06