我有一项工作要做,我需要登录该网页并从中提取内容.查询必须包含用户名和访问密钥.问题是我真的不知道如何使用 thos 2 元素和 PHP 进行查询.所以,我发现这个代码有这个代码:
I have a work to do and I need to login to the webpage, and extract content from it.The query has to be made of a username and an access key.The problem is that I don't really know how to make a query with thos 2 elements, and in PHP.So, I have found this code have this code :
$ak = "accesskey";
$username = 'admin';
$password = '123';
$remote_url = '';
// Create a stream
$opts = array(
'header' => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$ak")
$context = stream_context_create($opts);
// Open the file using the HTTP headers set above
$file = file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $context);
But the output is simply the Webpage code, from the <!DOCTYPE html><html>
to </html>
根据网页REST API,我需要得到的结果是这样的:
According to the webpage REST API, the result that I need to get is this :
success: true,
result: json_result
Any idea why it doesn't work ?
PS:这里是 API 文档:https://www.vtiger.com/docs/rest-api-for-vtiger#/Authentication
PS : here is the API documentation : https://www.vtiger.com/docs/rest-api-for-vtiger#/Authentication
vTiger API(至少在 7.2 中)具有参数和表单 POST 有效负载的奇怪组合.这是我用来入门的 Python 脚本.请注意,它在 getchallenge
命中中使用了 param
,但在 login
命中中使用了 data
The vTiger API (in 7.2 at least) has an odd combination of parameter and form POST payloads. Here is the Python script I used to get started. Note that it uses param
in the getchallenge
hit but data
in the login
import requests
from hashlib import md5
import urllib3
urllib3.disable_warnings() # shut up whining about that security stuff
encoding = 'ascii'
userName = 'Michael'
userToken = (access key from my preferences page)
session = requests.Session()
def getSession(session, name, token):
response = session.get(APIURL, params={'operation':'getchallenge', 'username':userName}, verify=False)
token_key = response.json()['result']['token']
combined = token_key + userToken
accessKey = md5(combined.encode(encoding)).hexdigest()
response1 = session.post(APIURL,
data={'operation':'login', 'username':userName, 'accessKey':accessKey},
return response1.json()['result']['sessionName']
sessionToken = getSession(session, userName, userToken)
types = session.get(APIURL, params={'operation':'listtypes', 'sessionName':sessionToken})
这篇关于我无法使用 PHP 进行基本的 http 身份验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!