本文介绍了AOSP Android 12 Beta 版构建失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我尝试编译 AOSP android 12 beta 分支,但没有成功.

I've tried to compile AOSP android 12 beta branches with no success.

我使用以下方法克隆了 repo:

I cloned the repo using:

repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b refs/tags/android-s-beta-3
repo sync


source build/envsetup.sh
lunch aosp_blueline-userdebug


now when it starts to run, after a while, it fails because there's duplication at the stub libraries:

[ 95% 86/90] out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build out/soong/build.ninja
FAILED: out/soong/build.ninja
cd "$(dirname "out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build")" && BUILDER="$PWD/$(basename "out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build")" && cd / && env -i "$BUILDER"     --top "$TOP"     --out "out/soong"     -n "out"     -d "out/soong/build.ninja.d"     -t -l out/.module_paths/Android.bp.list -globFile out/soong/.bootstrap/build-globs.ninja -o out/soong/build.ninja --available_env out/soong/soong.environment.available --used_env out/soong/soong.environment.used Android.bp
error: build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:130:1: module "legacy.core.platform.api.stubs" already defined
       libcore/mmodules/core_platform_api/Android.bp:182:1 <-- previous definition here
error: build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:146:1: module "stable.core.platform.api.stubs" already defined
       libcore/mmodules/core_platform_api/Android.bp:198:1 <-- previous definition here
error: build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:164:1: module "legacy-core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules" already defined
       libcore/mmodules/core_platform_api/Android.bp:216:1 <-- previous definition here
error: build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:180:1: module "stable-core-platform-api-stubs-system-modules" already defined
       libcore/mmodules/core_platform_api/Android.bp:232:1 <-- previous definition here
error: libcore/JavaLibrary.bp:994:1: module "core.current.stubs" already defined
       build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:27:1 <-- previous definition here
error: libcore/JavaLibrary.bp:1015:1: module "core-current-stubs-for-system-modules" already defined
       build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:48:1 <-- previous definition here
error: libcore/JavaLibrary.bp:1041:1: module "core-current-stubs-system-modules" already defined
       build/soong/java/core-libraries/Android.bp:74:1 <-- previous definition here

我还尝试将 build/soong 分支更改为 master,但我遇到了另一个构建失败.

I've also tried to change the build/soong branch to master and I've got another build faliure.


How do I compile those beta versions? what am I missing??

此外,我尝试过的所有 Android 12 测试版都已损坏.例如,另一个 beta 1 问题

Moreover, all the Android 12 betas I've tried are broken. For example, another beta 1 question



好的,我终于编译了这个测试版.我发现的事情是 beta 分支/标签不一定要编译.

Ok so finally I've got this beta version compiled.The thing I've found is that beta branch/ tag is not necessarily compiling.



and when I ran into errors I've tried to checkout a later commit for this problematic sub-module that fixes this compilation.Doing this until finding a combination of commits that compiled together did the magic.

如果有人想知道我为了编译 Android 12 beta 2 而检查了哪个特定提交,请告诉我

If someone would like to know which specific commit I've checkout in order to get Android 12 beta 2 compiled just tell me

这篇关于AOSP Android 12 Beta 版构建失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 11:01