

最近的GCC和Clang版本的特性是Undefined Behavior Sanitizer(UBSan),它是一个编译标志( -fsanitize = undefined ),它增加了运行时检测代码。出现错误时,会显示如下所示的警告:

现在我想调试这个,并得到一个调试休息说线。对于Address Sanitizer(ASAN),存在 ASAN_OPTIONS = abort_on_error = 1 ,这会导致可捕获的致命错误。唯一可用的UBSan选项是会导致报告的调用跟踪转储。但是,这不允许我检查局部变量,然后继续执行程序。因此,使用 -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error 是不可能的。 在UBSan的报告?虽然 break __sanitizer :: SharedPrintfCode 似乎起作用,但名字看起来相当内在。


打破检测功能(如和)是一种选择,更好的方法是打破检测后报告这些问题的功能。这种方法也适用于ASAN,其中一个会在 __ asan_report_error 上突破。

摘要:您可以停止使用ubsan通过 __ ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport __ ubsan :: Diag ::〜诊断 即可。这些是未来可能会改变的私人实施细节。使用GCC 4.9,5.1.0,5.2.0和Clang 3.3,3.4,3.6.2进行测试。

对于GCC 4.9.2来自,您需要 libubsan0 -dbg 使上述断点可用。使用Clang 3.3和3.4的Ubuntu 14.04不支持 __ ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport 断点,因此只能在使用。


  $ cat undef.c 
int main(void){return 1 $ clang --version
clang版本3.6.2(tags / RELEASE_362 / final)
$ clang -w -fsanitize = undefined undef.c -g
$ gdb -q -ex break\ __ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport -ex r ./a.out
undef.c:1:27:运行时错误:移位指数1000对于32位类型'int'$太大在__ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport()中,b
$ b断点1,0x0000000000428fb0在__ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport()()中
#0 0x0000000000428fb0。 ()
#1 0x000000000042affb in handleShiftOutOfBoundsImpl(__ ubsan :: ShiftOutOfBoundsData *,unsigned long,unsigned long,__ubsan :: ReportOptions)()
#2 0x000000000042a952 in __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds()
#3 0x000000000042d057 in main()at undef.c:1


ASAN已将其内部的 __ asan_report_error 的一部分。无论何时检测到违例,都会调用此函数,其流程将在:

  void __asan_report_error(uptr pc,uptr bp,uptr sp, uptr addr,int is_write,
uptr access_size){
const char * bug_descr =unknown-crash;

ReportData报告= {pc,sp,bp,addr,(bool)is_write,access_size,
ScopedInErrorReport in_report(& report);

报告(ERROR:AddressSanitizer:%s on address
%p at pc%p bp%p sp%p \\\

bug_descr,(void *)addr, pc,bp,sp);

u32 curr_tid = GetCurrentTidOrInvalid();
char tname [128];
Printf(%s%s%s%at%p thread T%d%s%s \\\

access_size?(is_write? WRITE:READ):ACCESS,
access_size,(void *)addr,curr_tid,
d.EndAccess ());


ReportErrorSummary(bug_descr,& stack);

另一方面,ubsan没有公共接口,但其当前的实现也是更简单和有限(更少的选项)。出现错误时,可以在设置 UBSAN_OPTIONS = print_stacktrace = 1 环境变量时打印堆栈跟踪。因此,通过搜索 print_stacktrace 的源代码,可以找到函数,通过:
$ b $ pre $ ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport(){
if(Opts.DieAfterReport || flags() - > halt_on_error)

$ b


GDB命令可以识别 MaybePrintStackTrace 作为可以设置断点的函数。执行 info函数ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport 给出了另一个函数: __ ubsan :: ScopedReport ::〜ScopedReport 。如果这些函数都不可用(即使安装了调试符号),您可以尝试 info functions ubsan info functions sanitizer 获取所有(UndefinedBehavior)Sanitizer相关函数。

Recent versions of GCC and Clang feature Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan) which is a compile flag (-fsanitize=undefined) that adds runtime instrumentation code. On errors, a warning such as this one is shown:

Now I would like to debug this and get a debug break on said line. For Address Sanitizer (ASAN) there is ASAN_OPTIONS=abort_on_error=1 which results in a fatal error that is catchable. The only UBSan option that seems usable is UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1 which results in a call trace dump for reports. This however does not allow me to inspect the local variables and then continue the program. Use of -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error therefore not possible.

How should I break in gdb on UBSan reports? While break __sanitizer::SharedPrintfCode seems to work, the name looks quite internal.


While breaking on the detection functions (as described by @Mark Plotnick and @Iwillnotexist Idonotexist) is one option, a better approach is breaking on the functions that report these issues after detection. This approach is also used for ASAN where one would break on __asan_report_error.

Summary: You can stop on an ubsan report via a breakpoint on __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport or __ubsan::Diag::~Diag. These are private implementation details which might change in the future though. Tested with GCC 4.9, 5.1.0, 5.2.0 and Clang 3.3, 3.4, 3.6.2.

For GCC 4.9.2 from ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test, you need libubsan0-dbg to make the above breakpoints available. Ubuntu 14.04 with Clang 3.3 and 3.4 do not support the __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport breakpoints, so you can only break before printing the message using __ubsan::Diag::~Diag.

Example buggy source code and a gdb session:

$ cat undef.c
int main(void) { return 1 << 1000; }
$ clang --version
clang version 3.6.2 (tags/RELEASE_362/final)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
$ clang -w -fsanitize=undefined undef.c -g
$ gdb -q -ex break\ __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport -ex r ./a.out
Reading symbols from ./a.out...done.
Breakpoint 1 at 0x428fb0
Starting program: ./a.out
undef.c:1:27: runtime error: shift exponent 1000 is too large for 32-bit type 'int'

Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000428fb0 in __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport() ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000428fb0 in __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport() ()
#1  0x000000000042affb in handleShiftOutOfBoundsImpl(__ubsan::ShiftOutOfBoundsData*, unsigned long, unsigned long, __ubsan::ReportOptions) ()
#2  0x000000000042a952 in __ubsan_handle_shift_out_of_bounds ()
#3  0x000000000042d057 in main () at undef.c:1

Detailled analysis follows. Note that both ASAN and ubsan both originate from a LLVM project, compiler-rt. This is used by Clang and ends up in GCC as well. Links in the following sections point to the compiler-rt project code, release 3.6.

ASAN has made its internal __asan_report_error part of the documented public interface. This function gets called whenever a violation is detected, its flow continues in lib/asan/asan_report.c:938:

void __asan_report_error(uptr pc, uptr bp, uptr sp, uptr addr, int is_write,
                         uptr access_size) {
  // Determine the error type.
  const char *bug_descr = "unknown-crash";

  ReportData report = { pc, sp, bp, addr, (bool)is_write, access_size,
                        bug_descr };
  ScopedInErrorReport in_report(&report);

  Decorator d;
  Printf("%s", d.Warning());
  Report("ERROR: AddressSanitizer: %s on address "
             "%p at pc %p bp %p sp %p\n",
             bug_descr, (void*)addr, pc, bp, sp);
  Printf("%s", d.EndWarning());

  u32 curr_tid = GetCurrentTidOrInvalid();
  char tname[128];
  Printf("%s%s of size %zu at %p thread T%d%s%s\n",
         access_size ? (is_write ? "WRITE" : "READ") : "ACCESS",
         access_size, (void*)addr, curr_tid,
         ThreadNameWithParenthesis(curr_tid, tname, sizeof(tname)),


  DescribeAddress(addr, access_size);
  ReportErrorSummary(bug_descr, &stack);

ubsan on the other hand has no public interface, but its current implementation is also much simpler and limited (less options). On errors, a stacktrace can be printed when the UBSAN_OPTIONS=print_stacktrace=1 environment variable is set. Thus, by searching the source code for print_stacktrace, one finds function MaybePrintStackTrace which is called though the ScopedReport destructor:

ScopedReport::~ScopedReport() {
  MaybePrintStackTrace(Opts.pc, Opts.bp);
  if (Opts.DieAfterReport || flags()->halt_on_error)

As you can see, there is a method to kill the program on errors, but unfortunately there is no builtin mechanism to trigger a debugger trap. Let's find a suitable breakpoint then.

The GDB command info functions <function name> made it possible to identify MaybePrintStackTrace as function on which a breakpoint can be set. Execution of info functions ScopedReport::~ScopedReport gave another function: __ubsan::ScopedReport::~ScopedReport. If none of these functions seem available (even with debugging symbols installed), you can try info functions ubsan or info functions sanitizer to get all (UndefinedBehavior)Sanitizer-related functions.


05-17 13:32