


How fast is looking up a value in localStorage with Javascript?


Does anyone have links to any performance tests that indicate whether or not it is worth caching the data in a JavaScript object? Or does the browser already cache values that are accessed from localStorage anyway?


I am particularly interested in Firefox and Chrome implementations of localStorage.


对于它的价值,这是一个 jsperf测试.

For what it's worth, here is a jsperf test.

在FF7和IE9中,localStorage的基准用法明显比访问常规对象属性要慢得多.当然,这只是一个微基准,不一定反映真实的使用情况或性能 ...

The benchmark usage of localStorage is significantly slower than access of a regular object properties in both FF7 and IE9. Of course, this is just a micro-benchmark, and does not necessarily reflect real-world usage or performance...

从FF 7运行中提取的样本以操作/秒"的形式显示明显较慢"的含义:

Sample pulled from my FF 7 run to show what "significantly slower" means, in ops/second:

            native     local-storage    notes
small set   374,397    13,657           10 distinct items
large set   2,256      68               100 distinct items
read-bias   10,266     342              1 write, 10 reads, 10 distinct items

此外,对可在localStorage中放置的内容有限制. YMMV.


09-21 10:41