本文介绍了跨域IFrame element.scrollIntoView()Safari问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have ran into an issue that is plagued all over google but none of the provided solutions work correctly. I assume the majority of these solutions do not account for cross domain.

我有一个网站,我想指示用户使用(整页)iframe嵌入他们的网站.问题仅在某些版本的Safari上存在. IFrame中的元素无法滚动到视图中.

I have a website which I would like to instruct users to embed into their site with a (full page) IFrame. The problem is on some versions of Safari only. Elements within the IFrame can not scroll themselves into view.

我注意到,如果我进行相同的域测试,则iframe可以使用window.parent.scrollTo(0,element.top)进行滚动.这可行,但不能跨域.另一个奇怪的是,没有其他浏览器需要window.parent方法来滚动IFrame,仅需要Safari.所有其他浏览器都可以在IFrame中使用element.scrollIntoView().请注意,我已经使用 JavaScript解决方法来使用带有跨协议IFrame的Safari.

I notice that if I do a same domain test the IFrame can scroll itself using window.parent.scrollTo(0,element.top). This works, but not cross domain. Another odd thing is that no other browser requires the window.parent method to scroll the IFrame, only Safari. All other browsers can use element.scrollIntoView() from within the IFrame. Note that I already use the JavaScript workaround to please Safari with cross-protocol IFrames.

我仅在IFrame内部的Safari Mobile上看到的另一个问题是,向下滚动时,Bootstrap Modals在IFrame的顶部看不见.虽然,我确定如果可以正确设置滚动位置,那么我们也应该能够设置模式位置.

Another issue I've only seen on Safari Mobile inside IFrame is that Bootstrap Modals appear out of view at the top of the IFrame when scrolled down. Although, I'm sure if we can correctly set the scroll position we should be able to set the modal position as well.


 1. window.frames['IFrameName'].document.
  1. 补偿技巧
  2. Velocity.js


My last resort here (I think) is to use postMessage from within my IFrame to notify the parent domain to set the scroll position of the frame.


It seems to me that this issue has been around for an awful long time. Is there a better approach than this?



This ended up being a lot more research than code. What was going on was - I had code that resized the IFrame based on the content.


In all other browsers this works fine and eliminates the scroll bars. Turns out that Safari automatically sizes the Iframe leaving scrolls of it's own. In my application there are zero static pages. This leaves me with the issue of not being able to use the scrolling=no fix described in the link.


After discovering exactly what was going on I took a different approach to fixing elm.scrollIntoView(). The code is more comments then anything but the important parts are;

  1. 检测何时使用RequiresIframeScrollFix
  2. 应用iframe修订
  3. 使用elm.getBoundingClientRect().top从iframe中获取滚动位置.
  4. 与父母沟通以滚动window.parent.postMessage
  5. 使用window.addEventListener('message',...)
  6. 在父级中接收邮件
  1. Detecting when to apply the Iframe fix with RequiresIframeScrollFix
  2. Using elm.getBoundingClientRect().top to get our scroll position from within the Iframe.
  3. Communicating to the parent to scroll with window.parent.postMessage
  4. Receiving the message in the parent with window.addEventListener('message',...)




Our Iframe site currently scrolls it's elements into view like this elm.scrollIntoView(); We've changed that to the following.

if (RequiresIframeScrollFix())
     window.parent.postMessage(elm.getBoundingClientRect().top, "*"); // Tell IFrame parent to do the scrolling. If this is not a test environment, replace "*" with the parent domain.
     elm.scrollIntoView(); // If not scroll into view as usual.

可选:使用elm.getBoundingClientRect().top修复了IOS IFrame中的引导模式定位.

Optional: fix for bootstrap modal positioning in IOS IFrames using elm.getBoundingClientRect().top.

$('#modalId').css('top', elm.getBoundingClientRect().top); // This fixes modal not in view on Safari Iframes.


RequiresIframeScrollFix() is mostly made up of some well document code laying around SO to determine if we're in an Iframe on the IPad or IPhone.

// Used to help identify problematic userAgents.
var debugNavigator = false;

// Detects an issue on mobile where the Parent is an iframe which cannot have it's scroll bars removed.
// Presumably not a bug as safari will autosize it's iframes: https://salomvary.com/iframe-resize-ios-safari.html
// Can use "scrolling=no" fix instead if the parent knows the initial size of your iframe.
function RequiresIframeScrollFix() {
    try {
        // Debug navigator Agent
        if (debugNavigator)

        // We know this issue happens inside an IFrame on;
        // Safari iPhone
        // Safari iPad
        // Safari Desktop Works fine.

        // Check for safari
        var is_safari = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1;
        // Chrome has Safari in the user agent so we need to filter (https://stackoverflow.com/a/7768006/1502448)
        var is_chrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1;
        if ((is_chrome) && (is_safari)) { is_safari = false; }

        // If we need to narrow this down even further we can use a more robust browser detection (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5916900)
        // Problematic browsers can be adjusted here.
        if (is_safari && inIframe() && (
                navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) ||
            return true;
            return false;

    } catch (e) {

// (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/326069/)
function inIframe() {
    try {
        return window.self !== window.top;
    } catch (e) {
        return true;


我们的父网站拥有由Safari Mobile自动调整大小的IFrame.因此,父网站现在拥有自己的滚动条,而不是IFrame.我们在父网站内部设置了侦听器,以在其从IFramed网站接收到消息时进行滚动.

Our parent site holds the IFrame that was automatically sized by Safari Mobile. Therefore the parent site now has scroll bars of it's own, and not the IFrame. We set our listener up inside the parent site to scroll itself when it receives a message from the IFramed site.

// Safari Mobile Iframe Cross Domain Scroll Fix.
window.onload = function () {
     // Calback function to process our postMessages.
     function receiveMessage(e) {
          try {
               // Set the scroll position from our postMessage data.
               // Non-Test pages should uncomment the line below.
               //if (e.origin.includes("your-iframe-domain.com"))
               window.scrollTo(0, e.data);
           catch (err) {

      // Setup and event to receives messages form our iframe (or window)
      window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage);

希望这可以帮助其他人在移动设备上解决Safari Iframe问题.另外,让我知道是否我忽略了更好的解决方案.

Hopefully this helps someone else dissect Safari Iframe problems on mobile. Also, let me know if I've overlooked a better solution.

这篇关于跨域IFrame element.scrollIntoView()Safari问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 04:59