本文介绍了汇编器消息:错误:拇指条件指令应位于IT块中-'strexeq r1,r2,[r4]'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我试图构建.so文件。该文件包含诸如tbb,dlib之类的库。当我执行我的cpp文件时,引发了异常[汇编器消息:错误:拇指条件指令应位于IT块中-'strexeq r1,r2,[r4]']。

I was tried to build .so file. The file contains libraries such as tbb,dlib. When i execute my cpp file, exception raised [Assembler messages: Error: thumb conditional instruction should be in IT block -- `strexeq r1,r2,[r4]'].

vector<tbb::atomic<bool> > face_detections_used(face_detections.size());
    if(face_detections_used[detection_ind].compare_and_swap(true, false) == false)
            // Reinitialise the model
                clm_models[model].detection_success = false;
          detection_success = CLMTracker::DetectLandmarksInVideo(grayscale_image, depth_image, face_detections[detection_ind], clm_models[model], clm_parameters[model]);

            active_models[model] = true;


该代码有异常。 tbb需要的任何特定cpp标志。关于此的任何想法,对我有帮助

I thing exception from that code. Any specific cpp flags required for tbb. Any idea about this, its helpful for me thank you


在我的yocto中,当 bitbake compiling,添加了 CXXFLAGS =" tbb.bb 文件中的-Wa,-mimplicit-thumb 可以帮助我。您可以尝试 TARGET_CXXFLAGS =" -Wa,-mimplicit-thumb。

got same error in tbb bitbake recipe in my yocto build while bitbake compiling , added CXXFLAGS=" -Wa,-mimplicit-thumb" in tbb.bb file helps me. you can try TARGET_CXXFLAGS=" -Wa,-mimplicit-thumb" aswell.

这篇关于汇编器消息:错误:拇指条件指令应位于IT块中-'strexeq r1,r2,[r4]'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-26 18:38