我刚刚观看了关于实施UIViewController遏制的2011 WWDC
I just watched a 2011 WWDC
presentation on "Implementing UIViewController Containment" (here's a link to the video)
They mentioned both of these ways of adding viewControllers to the screen, and I would appreciate some clarification on best practices...
addChildViewController / removeFromParentViewController
与@一起使用property(nonatomic,readonly)NSArray * childViewControllers和 [self transitionFromViewController:currentView toViewController:nextView duration:options:animations:completion:];
pushViewController:animated:/ popViewControllerAnimated
pushViewController: animated: / popViewControllerAnimated
they really quickly skimmed past this in the presentation
In my apps I use all custom viewControllers, and until today I have always managed them with:
[nextController performSelector:@selector(setDelegate:) withObject:self];
[currentPageController.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.view addSubview:nextController.view];
But I understand now that this is bad practice, and I'm wondering what is the correct way to use "addChildViewController" and what is the correct way to use "pushViewController"?
I really appreciate your thoughts on the matter!
是的, pushViewController:
用于管理一堆视图控制器的导航控制器。 addChildViewController:
另一方面是iOS 5功能的一部分,称为视图控制器包含。
Yes, pushViewController:
is for navigation controllers that manage a stack of view controllers. addChildViewController:
on the other hand is part of an iOS 5 feature called "view controller containment".
The basic idea behind this is that you can embed your view controllers into other view controllers of your own (e.g. when porting an iPhone app to the iPad) and thus easily do your own implementation of things like navigation controllers, split view controllers etc.
One problem with an implementation like the one you show is that you only handle views. View controller events like orientation changes will not be passed properly down the hierarchy. View controller containment tries to ensure that all contained view controllers will get the appropriate messages, too.
Looking at your implementation you should also think about what you really want to achieve by this. A navigation controller may be the right thing or you might even show the next controller modally (see https://developer.apple.com/library/content/featuredarticles/ViewControllerPGforiPhoneOS/PresentingaViewController.html) A bonus when using these methods (e.g. navigation controllers and modal views) is that the user is already familiar with those navigation techniques.
In any case https://developer.apple.com/library/content/featuredarticles/ViewControllerPGforiPhoneOS/ is a good read about how to transition between view controllers.
当使用视图控制器包含时,您基本上必须像往常一样将视图添加到包含视图(即使我必须这样做f添加控制器)。然后使用 addChildViewController:
将子视图控制器添加到周围的控制器。您还必须通过 didMoveToParentViewController:
通知子控制器它已被放入另一个控制器。您还可以使用 transitionFromViewController:toViewController:
When using view controller containment you basically have to add the view to the containing view as usual (this has to be done even if the controller is added). Then you use addChildViewController:
to add the child view controller to the surrounding one. You also have to notify the child controller by didMoveToParentViewController:
that it has been put into another controller. You can also use transitionFromViewController:toViewController:
to exchange one view controller for another, optionally giving an animation.
这篇关于何时使用addChildViewController vs pushViewController的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!